Vol. 10 No. 35 (2016): January 2016

					View Vol. 10 No. 35 (2016): January 2016

The browsable journal is available at this link

Dear friends,
just an update about the most important event that IGF is organizing: the 21st European Conference on Fracture, under the auspices of the European Structural Integrity Society. This event will be held in Catania, Italy (June 20-24, 2015) and, according to the ECFs events tradition, will allows to hundred of researchers to meet in the wonderful land of Sicily. I don’t want to bother you describing the sea, the culture, the food, the people of Sicily … join us and you will see by your own!!!
In these lines I wish only to underline few details:
- Abstract summission deadline has been postponed: 15.01.2016;
- Proceedings will be published in Procedia Structural Integrity (Elsevier); Templates are available in the ECF21 website;
- Special issues will be published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Failure Analysis, International Journal of Fatigue and Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics;
- A Summer School titled “Understanding and modelling fracture and fatigue of materials and structures” will be organized before the ECF event (June 18-19, 2015)

You can find all the details in the ECF21 website www.ecf21.eu …. Looking forward to meeting you in Catania!!!

Francesco Iacoviello
F&IS Chief Editor

Published: 29-12-2015
