
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines

- During the submission, it is mandatory to upload the information of all the co-authors, with affiliations and email addresses. Submissions without all the information about all the co-authors will be rejected at the desk.

- Max 2 non-original figures per paper can be used. During the submission, it is mandatory to attach the written permission of the Publisher to re-publish the figures. Without the written permission, the manuscript will be rejected at the desk.

- Any ethical misconduct during the submission process will imply an immediate rejection of the manuscript.

Manuscript preparation
- Download the Paper template (LINK)
- Prepare your paper using the Paper template file, strictly following all the indications.
- The paper must be prepared in English
- Read the Publishing Agreement (LINK)
For any problem during the submission, please send an email to describing the details of the problem.

Manuscript submission
- Go to “Make a Submission” (LINK)
- Read the “Authors Guidelines”(LINK)
- Read the “Submission Preparation Checklist” (LINK)
- Read the “Copyright Notice” (LINK)
- Read the “Privacy Statement” (LINK)
- Select “Make a new submission” (LINK)
- Select a Section. It is possible to choose among ten different thematic sections. If you are invited for a Special Issue, choose the SI of your interest.

- Select one or more Categories (this will help the paper visibility).

- Select all the flags you find in "Submission requirements"

- It is possible to suggest one or more reviewers (names, surnames, affiliations and email addresses are mandatory; different nationalities are warmly suggested).

- Select all the flags in "Open Access Statement" section.

Press "Save and continue". A new window "Upload Submission File" will open

- Upload the manuscript as a word (docx) file selecting the correspondent “Article Component” and, after that, uploading the file.

- Upload the republishing permission for the already published figures (max 2), if any.

Press "Save and continue"

- Fill the Metadata boxes (Title, Abstract are mandatory). In “List of Contributors”, please, check all your metadata (your ORCID included) and, please, add all the co-authors with their metadata (Affiliations and emails included). If all the co-authors metadata (emails included) will not be uploaded, the paper will be automatically rejected (we take care of the papers authorship!)
- Fill the Additional Refinements. The most important are the Keywords. Please upload them one after the other (and not as a single “copy and paste”; it is sufficient to press “Enter” after each keyword)
- In the Additional Refinement section you find also the “Subject” field. You can fill this field using the Main Topics List of the journal (this will facilitate the reviewing process)
-Press "Save and continue" and, after, press “Finish Submission”.

After that, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don't see the "[FIS] Submission Acknowledgement" email after a few seconds, please, check in the SPAM folder.

Thematic Sections
1) Analytical, computational and physical Models
2) Damage mechanics
3) Environmentally assisted fracture
4) Failure Analysis and Forensic Engineering
5) Fatigue and Fracture of metallic alloys
6) Fatigue and Fracture of non metallic materials
7) Integrity of materials and structures

After the manuscript submission: reviewing process
The editorial board performs the plagiarism/autoplagiarism check
If the plagiarism/autoplagiarism check is passed, the reviewing process starts. Two (or more) reviewers are invited. The reviewing process time depends on the paper quality, from a few days, up to some weeks. Sometimes more than one reviewing round is necessary.
The paper can be:
- Rejected
- Proposed for a major review (after being resubmitted a new reviewing round is necessary)
- Proposed for a minor review (after being resubmitted a new reviewing round is NOT necessary)
- Accepted

After the paper acceptance
After the paper is accepted, the paper is processed in the Copyediting stage:
- If the paper is correctly paginated, the authors receive the proofs, with the request to upload the Visual Abstract and the Publishing Agreement (if still missing);
- If the paper is not correctly paginated, the authors are requested to modify their paper and to correctly paginate it, with the request to upload the Visual Abstract and the Publishing Agreement (if still missing);
Only correctly paginated papers are prepared as proofs and submitted to the authors for their confirmation.
Only after the proofs confirmation and the upload of the Visual Abstract, the paper is processed in the Production stage.

Production stage
In the Production stage, both the pages numbers and the DOIs are assigned and the paper is pre-published in the “Online First” Section.

Visual Abstract
Visual Abstracts (VAs) are mandatory. A tutorial to prepare the VAs is available here (LINK).

VAs are short (2 minutes max) presentations and they enhance the papers visibility, allowing the readers to quickly understand the topic of the paper, focusing on the results and the conclusions.
VAs are:
- embedded in the papers,
- linked in the paper webpage,
- available on a dedicated YouTube channel (LINK).

Visual Abstracts must be prepared using the following TEMPLATE.

It is also mandatory to submit the first page of the Visual Abstract as jpeg file.

Only high-quality Visual Abstracts will allow the papers publication (no artificial voice generator; good audio quality; the presentation quality will be reviewed).

Manuscript limits
- No pages limit
- No Mb limit (if the file exceeds 100 Mb, please, contact in advance)
- No Figures number limit
- No Tables number limit
- No video and/or audio files number limit. Audio/video files can be directly uploaded during the submission procedure (if the file exceeds 100 Mb, please, contact in advance). 

Text: Indicate references by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given.
Example: “..... as demonstrated [1, 2]. Mettam and Adams [9] obtained ....”

References must be organized according to the Harvard format. DOI at the end of the ref. is warmly encouraged.
A Mendeley Style for Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is available here:

IMPORTANT: The authors must respect the following limits in the number of references:
- 25 references max for a research paper (with max 5 self-references);
- 50 references max for a review paper (with max 8 self-references);
- no limits for an invited review (with no limits for self-references). 

In case of submissions that do not respect these limits, the authors will be requested to revise them before inviting the reviewers.

The installation of this style is very simple:
1) open Mendeley desktop
2) Select"View/Citation style"
3) "Get more Styles"
4) In "Download Style" copy and paste

Reference to a journal publication:
[1] Van der Geer, J. (2014). The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun., 163(2), pp. 51–59. DOI: 12.3456/j.scicom.2013.11.003.
Reference to a book:
[2] Strunk, W. Jr. and White, E.B. (2000). The Elements of Style, New York, Longman. DOI: 12.3456/j.scicom.2013.11.003.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[3] Mettam, G.R. ed., (2017). How to prepare an electronic version of your article, In: Introduction to the Electronic Age, New York, E-Publishing Inc., pp. 281–304. DOI: 12.3456/j.scicom.2013.11.003.
Reference to a conference paper:
[4] Doe, J., Fish, R. and Red, W. (2018). How to prepare an electronic version of your article. Conference on Papers preparation, Rome, Italy, 18-23 February.
Reference to a website:
[5] Tester, J. (2015). How to publish an article. Available at:

IMPORTANT: Refs without a correct format will imply a delay in the paper publication (up to the upload of the paper with the correct refs).

Audio/video files

It is possible to publish audio and/or video files embedded in the manuscript (Tutorial). It is possible to upload the video files during the manuscript uploading procedure. If a video file exceeds 100 Mb, please contact in advance.

Authors are allowed to publish audioslides. More details about the Audioslides production are given in the Tutorial.

Open Access Statement

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity, F&SI) is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. F&SI operates under the Creative Commons Licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0). This allows to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, to remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, but giving appropriate credit and providing a link to the license and indicating if changes were made.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Read carefully the "Authors guidelines"
  • The corresponding author declares that the manuscript is original, has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The corresponding author declares that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed.
  • The corresponding author confirms that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all the authors.
  • The submission file is a Microsoft Word file (.docx), prepared using the Journal template according to the authors' guidelines. ONLY A DOCX file must be provided.
  • The Publishing Agreement is ACCEPTED (also on behalf of the co-authors, if present):
  • All the illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
  • All the equations have been prepared using an equation editor (preferably Mathtype). Equations as images will not be accepted.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided

SI: Modeling in Structural Integrity

Only invited authors.

Issue main topics: Computational Mechanics; Analytical, computational and physical models; Failure Analysis and Case Studies

SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity

Only invited authors can submit the papers in this section

Structural integrity monitoring of is one of the key elements for the safety of natural and artificial systems. It is based on advanced results of experimental and computational mechanics. The actual problems of the deformation and of structural integrity monitoring were discussed during three schools for the young scientists "Monitoring of natural and technogenic systems". The schools were organized with financial support of the grant for the creation of world-class laboratories given by Russian Science Foundation.

The topics of the schools include: applications of energy dynamics to describe deformation processes; digital tools for mining technology problems; technogenic seismicity and evolution of stress fields during the development of mineral deposits; monitoring of crack resistance in technical and natural materials; nature-like technologies for complex development of the Earth's subsoil; monitoring of the radiation in radon-hazardous regions; monitoring of pipelines; seismic monitoring of potash deposits; the applications of computer X-ray tomography; instrumental methods for stress-strain monitoring in mine workings. Most of the lessons are presented on the website of the Perm Federal Research Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (

This issue of the journal "Fracture and Structural Integrity" presents selected articles reflecting the topics of the school and the advanced achievements of Russian researchers, which are related to the development of scientific basis for deformation monitoring and monitoring of structural integrity in natural and artificial systems.

SI: Damage Mechanics of materials and structures

Only invited authors

SI: New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring

Only invited authors

Privacy Statement

IGF as publisher of "Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" may collect and use personal information that is necessary for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to us. This information may include names, affiliation and contact details; including postal address, emails, phone numbers and fax numbers.
Any personal information received by IGF will only be used to:
- enable your access to and use of the website services;
- process your manuscript;
- publish your manuscript;
- send communication about your manuscript;
- send news and updates about the IGF activities and events.
IGF will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.
IGF will never transfer and/or disclose personal information that are uploaded in the OJS portal.
This Privacy Policy was last revised and is effective as of January 1, 2018.