Section & Guest Editors support

The role of the Section/Guest Editor implies the managing of the submitted papers according to the following procedure:
- After the submission, the Editor in Chief performs the following checks:
o plagiarism/autoplagiarism;
o topic compatibility with the journal topics;
o Paper pagination (submitted papers must be prepared according to the authors' guidelines using the journal template);
o Figures quality;
If all these checks are passed, the Editor in Chief forwards the paper to the “Review” stage, inviting the Section/Guest Editor to handle the submitted paper with an “Editorial Assignment” email;
- the Section/Guest Editor performs a preliminary analysis of the submitted paper considering the following parameters:
o Scientific content;
o Paper organization;
After that, the Section/Guest Editor must invite two reviewers, at least, handling the reviewing process (more reviewing rounds are possible);
- After each reviewing round, the Section/Guest Editor can decide whether to
o accept the paper;
o reject the paper;
o activate a new reviewing round.

Guest Editors Certificate of Acknowledgment
All the Guest Editors can receive a Certificate of Acknowledgment for their service for Frattura ed integrità Strutturale simply filling out this form: LINK

Courses for Section/Guest Editors
Section Editors and Guest Editors are warmly advised to watch the tutorials available in the courses linked below (at least the "basic" one!)