
  • October 2024
    Vol. 18 No. 70 (2024)

    Don’t forget the next IGF event: The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024).

    The Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) and online on September 10-12, 2024 ( This Conference follows the Conferences in Parma in 2003 and 2006, Vicenza in 2009, Gaeta in 2012, Ferrara in 2015, Verona in 2018 and online in 2021.

    The deadlines are:

    • Always open: Registration
    • 31.07.2024: Abstracts submission
    • 31.07.2024: Acceptance notification
    • 15.08.2024: Early bird registration and payment
    • 10.09.2024 to 12.09.2024: Conference
    • 30.09.2024: Papers submission (after the Conference)
    • 15.10.2024: Papers acceptance
  • July 2024
    Vol. 18 No. 69 (2024)

    The browsable version is available at this LINK.

    Dear friends,

    I wish to thank you for all the appreciation I received concerning the new publishing timing (paper publication immediately after the proofs acceptance and the Visual Abstracts uploading). The "traditional" publishing deadlines (January, April, July and October) allow for the collection of the papers published in the three months before the deadline and for publishing the browsable version. Concerning the browsable version, I am delighted to inform you that also this service is particularly appreciated: considering only the last six months, we collected more than three hundred thousand views! … and all these “views” are additional to our journal's “traditional” users.

    To improve the readability and the usefulness of the papers published in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale - Fracture and Structural integrity, we defined the following limits for the number of references and self-references:

    • 25 references max for a research paper (with max 5 self-references);
    • 50 references max for a review paper (with max 8 self-references);
    • no limits for an invited review (with no limits for self-references).

    In June, the new evaluation of Scimago was published. I am happy to inform you that Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural integrity has been confirmed in the Q2 quartile for the following categories:

    • Civil and Structural Engineering;
    • Mechanical Engineering;
    • Mechanics of Materials.

    We are grateful for the efforts of the authors, reviewers and editorial board members: they are the authors of this amazing result! But… do not hesitate to use the paper published in FIS for your refs (especially the papers published in the last two years)… this will help the journal to maintain the Q2 evaluation and, maybe… obtain something better!

    Finally, don’t forget the next IGF event: The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024;

    The Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) and online on September 10-12, 2024 ( This Conference follows the Conferences in Parma in 2003 and 2006, Vicenza in 2009, Gaeta in 2012, Ferrara in 2015, Verona in 2018 and online in 2021.

    The deadlines are:

    • Always open: Registration
    • 30.06.2024: Abstracts submission
    • 30.06.2024: Acceptance notification
    • 15.08.2024: Early bird registration and payment
    • 09.2024 to 12.09.2024: Conference
    • 30.09.2024: Papers submission (after the Conference)
    • 15.10.2024: Papers acceptance
  • April 2024
    Vol. 18 No. 68 (2024)

    The browsable version is available at this LINK.

    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity) now changes the publishing timing. All the papers are now published immediately after the proofs acceptance and the Visual Abstracts uploading. The "traditional" publishing deadlines (January, April, July and October) will be used to collect the papers published in the three months before the deadline and to publish the browsable version

    We hope that a continuous publishing process will improve the journal usefulness for FIS community!

  • January 2024
    Vol. 18 No. 67 (2024)

    The browsable version is available at this LINK

    Dear friends,
    after obtaining the WoS Impact Factor, the number of submissions increased dramatically. Therefore, it was necessary to re-organize the Journal structure.
    First of all, we defined new Sections. The updated list is now the following:
    1) Analytical, computational and physical models;
    2) Damage mechanics;
    3) Environmentally assisted fracture;
    4) Failure analysis and forensic engineering;
    5) Fatigue and fracture of metallic alloys;
    6) Fatigue and fracture of non-metallic materials;
    7) Integrity of materials and structures.
    Then, a new Section Editors team has been activated and we also renewed the Editorial Board. With this little “revolution” we hope we will be able to reduce the reviewing times and further improve the journal quality.
    Finally, as you can see in the papers published in this issue, we also modified the papers layout, increasing the visibility of the Visual Abstract. Now, the written version of the abstract is still available in the paper web page, but in the pdf there is a direct link to the Visual Abstract. This new layout has nice consequences on the browsable version of the journal, and we hope you will appreciate this new approach!
    We are grateful for the activity of all the Sections Editors and all the Editorial Board members who helped the journal up to the last issue … without their help and their time it would have been impossible to achieve the great results we obtained up to now!

    Next IGF event: The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024).
    The Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) and online in September 10-12, 2024.
    The deadlines are:
    - Always open: Registration
    - 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023: Symposia proposal
    - 01.01.2024 to 15.06.2024: Abstracts submission
    - 15.06.2024: Acceptance notification
    - 15.08.2024: Early bird registration and payment
    - 10.09.2024 to 12.09.2024: Conference
    - 30.09.2024: Papers submission (after the Conference)
    - 15.10.2024: Papers acceptance

  • October 2023
    Vol. 17 No. 66 (2023)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    after the Q2 in Scimago in three different categories (Civil and Structural Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials), we finally obtained the WoS Impact Factor: 1.4 !!!
    Considering that there is not a professional publisher behind Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural Integrity and that all the activities are completely based on the volunteers help, this result is amazing!
    Although we continuously receive proposals to sell the journal and transform it in an APC based journal, we wish to keep our approach unchanged:
    - Nobody pays, neither authors nor readers (no APC!).
    - Publish good quality papers, trying to help young researchers to achieve an acceptable quality of their submissions, also with many review rounds.
    - Try to offer to our readers some innovative approaches in the reading experience (e.g., the Visual Abstracts).
    In order to further improve our journal, we “simply” ask you to:
    - Submit to the journal good quality manuscripts prepared according to the authors’ guidelines and focused on the main journal topics (“Fracture” and/or “Structural integrity”).
    - Help the journal as reviewers: all the authors appreciate competent and fast review processes. All the reviewers are acknowledged in three different ways!
    - Join the events organized by IGF; it is only thanks to these events that it is possible for FIS to live!
    - Use the papers published in FIS for your references, especially the papers published in the last two years!
    The last point is crucial. If you wish that the “value” of your paper increases, it is necessary that the indexes improve! To do that, if you find a paper of your interest in FIS, please, do not hesitate to add it to your refs in any paper you are publishing!

    The next IGF event is the The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024). The Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) and online in September 10-12, 2024 ( 

  • July 2023
    Vol. 17 No. 65 (2023)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,

    for the second consecutive year, Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale is classified as Q2 in Scimago in three different categories:

    • Civil and Structural Engineering;
    • Mechanical Engineering;
    • Mechanics of Materials.

    We are grateful to our wonderful community for this great result! 2163 users registered as authors, reviewers and/or editors are only the tip of the iceberg. Thousands of readers per year appreciate our efforts and we are grateful for this continuous support and appreciation.

    We hope you will continue to support us, submitting interesting papers, helping us reviewing papers, reading the papers published in our issues and, if you find an interesting paper, citing it in your papers!

  • April 2023
    Vol. 17 No. 64 (2023)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,

    IGF27, the 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity, was a great success! More than 160 presentations, with more than 100 participants in presence and more than 70 in remote, allowed to organize a great event. Soon, the videorecordings of the presentations will be collected in a volume (with ISBN and DOI) and will be available in the IGF YouTube channel and in ESIS-PH (ESIS Publishing House) and a volume of papers will be published in Procedia Structural Integrity.

    Now…let’s talk about the next IGF event:

    The third European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM23)

    The conference will be held in Porto (Portugal) an online in September 4-6, 2023 ( The conference will provide an overview over current scientific knowledge and stimulate ideas for future research directions in this emerging field. Peer-reviewed contributions will be in the form of presentation or a poster. The agenda will allow for extended discussions and for exploring Porto at the end of summer. ESIAM23 is the third event of the ESIAM series following the success of the first event in Trondheim 2019 and the online conference held in 2021.

    The abstract submission deadline is June 30, 2023 … join us!! Ciao!

  • January 2023
    Vol. 17 No. 63 (2023)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends, here you find a short 2022 report about Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale:

    • Submitted papers: 508
    • Accepted papers: 137
    • Rejection rate: 73% (94% in the last three months!)

    We are grateful for the help of editors, members of the editorial boards, reviewers and, obviously, authors: it is only thanks to this wonderful community that it was possible for Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale to improve year after year its quality and its usefulness for our community. 

    This amazing result was possible only to their help and … to money! Money is not for salaries (nobody is paid in our journal… we are all volunteers!) but it is necessary for the publication of the papers.

    According to Google, “Diamond Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. Diamond Open Access journals are community-driven, academic-led, and academic-owned publishing initiatives”.

    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is a “diamond” open access journal. 

    But the publication of an OA paper has a cost … considering the cost of Journal website maintenance, templates and plug-ins, DOIs, Crossref, Plagiarism check software, Reviewers acknowledgment service, Flipping book software and miscellanea, the final amount is about 12000 euros per year. 

    For the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF, the journal publisher) the only way to publish the journal is to find about 12000 euros per year. The “business model” adopted by IGF is really simple:

    • IGF organizes conferences (with really low fees);
    • The money collected with the fees is completely used for the conferences organization and for the journal.

    For this reason, if you love Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and the possibility it offers to our community to publish papers with a good quality standard (without APC!), join the events organized by IGF!

    The next event organized by IGF is IGF27, the 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity (February 22-24, 2023).

    Join us and enjoy the conference and the journal! Ciao!

  • October 2022
    Vol. 16 No. 62 (2022)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    this time we have some news concerning the journal website.
    In order to improve the journal website readability, especially using mobile devices, we modified the home page as follows:
    - “Online first” papers are now available in a dedicated page (the link is available in the main menu).
    - It is possible to be forwarded to the Visual Abstracts YouTube channel using the dedicated link in the column on the right side of the screen.
    - The users reports are now collected in a dedicated page of the web site (the link is available in the column on the right side of the screen)
    - The “Most Read Articles” section now offers the most read 15 papers in the last 365 days. Results are updated every 15 days.

    I wish to remember to all the members of our community that the next IGF conference (IGF27, the 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity; will be held in Rome and on web, (February 22-24, 2023).
    I wish to underline the 100% of the fees will be used for the:
    - event organisation;
    - publication of the dedicated Procedia Structural Integrity issue;
    - publication of the IGF journal Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale;
    - all the other IGF activities (e.g., the website publication).
    If you love Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, and you appreciate it as a good Diamond Open Access journal (no APC), you have only to:
    - participate to the IGF27;
    - consider Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale for your refs, if you find papers of your interest!
    Looking forward to meeting you in Rome!

  • July 2022
    Vol. 16 No. 61 (2022)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    we have great news about Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural Integrity.
    First of all, our Journal is now classified in 2021 as a Q2 journal in three different categories:
    • Civil and Structural Engineering;
    • Mechanical Engineering;
    • Mechanics of Materials.
    There are two interesting diagrams that should be focused: “Citations per document” and “Cited and Uncited documents”: LINK

    All the authors are kindly requested to “push” the visibility of their papers, for example linking the published papers in Facebook, ResearchGate and in all the social media they think could be useful for our goal: improve the visibility and the usefulness of our journal!

    We have a second important news: we adopted iThenticate as antiplagiarism software. We are grateful to iThenticate for the “special prize” they applied to FIS as Diamond Open Journal. Ad maiora semper!

  • April 2022
    Vol. 16 No. 60 (2022)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    after 16 years, now we are publishing our 60th issue. Considering that the journal was founded in 2007 as a small and local journal and that now it is a full international publishing media with authors of about 20 nationalities (only in this last issue), this is an amazing result. Behind this result, there is the continuous support of the Italian Group of Fracture – IGF … somebody has to pay the bills! It is only thanks to the IGF support that it is possible to publish a “Diamond open access journal” that is increasing day by day its own visibility and prestige.

    We are all grateful to the continuous support of the community around Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural Integrity that is many times larger than the IGF community. All the authors, reviewers, editorial boards members and readers allow this journal to live and to improve its own quality… thank you!

  • January 2022
    Vol. 16 No. 59 (2022)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    being this the first issue of the new year, here you find a report of our activities in the last year.

    Our effort to improve the journal is quite evident. In the last four years, the submissions increased (now we are near to 400 per year!), the days to first editorial decision decreased from 3 to 1 day, the days to accept decreased from 89 to 64, the days to reject decreased from 38 to 11 and the rejection rate increased from 36% to 67%. All these numbers confirm the effort of our community to improve our journal. These great results are only due to the continuous efforts of our Section Editors, of the Editorial Board Members, of all the Reviewers and, last but not least, of all the Authors! Now, in order to further improve the visibility of our journal, and of all the papers, it is necessary the contribution of all of you. The editorial world is really competitive and, in order to improve the “value” of the papers, it is important that the “numbers” are high. For example, considering CiteScore, it continuously improved from 0.2 in 2013 to 2.0 in 2020. Now, the perspective value in 2021 is 2.3, but we can further improve this value… if you find in “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” a paper of your interest, do not hesitate to add it in your References! Q2 is near and it is a possible goal for 2022! … and after that … why not a Q1?

  • October 2021
    Vol. 15 No. 58 (2021)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    we continuously try to implement new features in our journal. The last ones we activated are:
    - the list of the most used keywords … it is available as a nice “words salad” (home page, on the right side). Click on one of them … you will obtain the papers connected with the selected keyword!
    - “Online First” papers are now available also in the home page, in order to improve their visibility.
    - the number of visitors per country (with flags): the number is only approximative (and the counting started only a few days ago), but the feature offers a nice view of the international level of our journal.
    - the list of the “Most viewed papers”: this list is available in the home page.
    Please, in order to further improve our journal, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions using this LINK
    We will really appreciate your help and we will do our best to implement your suggestions.

    Concerning Citescore, the last update is really interesting: if the 2020 Citescore is 2.0 (calculated on 05 May, 2021), the CiteScoreTracker 2021 is now 2.2 (last update: 04 September 2021)!!! Let’s work all together to further improve the journal Citescore value!! … we only ask you to:
    - read the papers we will publish in the journal;
    - help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.;
    - suggest any possible improvement you could have in your mind;
    - submit new papers to be reviewed and published;
    - help us with the reviews (in order to certify your activity as reviewer, we activated an agreement with Publons).

  • July 2021
    Vol. 15 No. 57 (2021)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    We have some updates concerning our Journal. First of all, Citescore… the final 2020 value is 2 and we have great perspectives for 2021, being the June 2021 Citescore value already equal to 1.9 (the value is update monthly up to May 2022)!

    Considering the other “statistics”, we are improving all our “numbers”, but we have to improve our SJR. The journal is still in Q3, both for “Mechanical Engineering” and for “Mechanics of Materials”, although our position in the ranking strongly improved in the last year.

    Considering “Mechanical Engineering”, FIS is the first journal in Q3 with 0.368 (the last journal in Q2 has an SJR value that is equal to 0.368! … yes, the same value!)

    Considering “Mechanics of Materials”, we are not so near to the Q2 level, but we are not so far (the last journal in Q2 has an SJR value that is equal to 0.430).

    Well, once again we wish to warmly thank the great community that supports Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. In order to further improve the “score” of our journal, we only ask you to:

    - read the papers we will publish in the journal;

    - help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.;

    - suggest any improvement you could have in your mind;

    - submit new papers to be reviewed and published;

    - help us with the reviews (we activated an agreement with Publons in order to certify your activity as reviewer).

    A last piece of information: soon we will update the OJS (Open Journal System) to the new 3.3 version ... we hope you will appreciate this new version!

  • April 2021
    Vol. 15 No. 56 (2021)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    In this editorial, I wish to share with you some information about the improvements of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity). Born in 2007 (first issue: July 2007), indexed in Scopus since 2012 and in WoS since 2015, the journal published more than 1000 papers in 14 years (with about 4000 submissions).
    Well… these numbers are really impressive but… is there a community around our Journal? I have the pleasure to tell you that the answer is absolutely positive.
    According to Google Analytics, in three years the users number increased from 9185 (2017) to 29905 (2020), with the number of visualized pages that increased from 35061 (2017) to 113271 (2020)
    Considering Citescore, the evolution of this important parameter confirms the increase of the journal visibility in just a few years, with a 2020 perspective value that is near 2!!
    It is evident that only having an active and vibrant community around the journal it is possible to obtain these results. Section Editors, Editorial Boards members, Reviewers and, first of all, Authors… it is only thanks to the help of all of you that the journal was able to achieve these amazing results.
    Well, just a last point… and for the future? Although we received many offers to sell the journal and, maybe, to transform it, I can guarantee that also in the future the publisher of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale will be the Gruppo Italiano Frattura and that Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale will remain a “Diamond Open Access” journal, completely free of charge both for readers and for authors, with no Article Processing Charges (APC) at all.
    We only ask you to:
    - read the papers we will publish in the journal;
    - help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.;
    - suggest any possible improvement you could have in your mind;
    - submit new papers to be reviewed and published;
    - help us with the reviews (we activated an agreement with Publons in order to certify your activity as a reviewer).

  • January 2021
    Vol. 15 No. 55 (2021)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    This is the first issue of 2021. Summarizing, in 2020, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale published 123 papers with a rejection rate of 62%. We activated some new services. Among them:

    - the possibility to publish comments to the published papers;

    - an improved reviewing process: after being reviewed and accepted, the papers are pre-published in the “Online first” section. Before the final publication, it is possible to the members of FIS community to send comments about the paper and, why not, to suggest improvements!

    - we published a new, and really attractive, website that is dedicated to the browsable versions of the published issues:

    We have another important news concerning the Visual Abstracts. Now, they are all available in the new and captivating page of the IGF website: !!

    Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. We wish you a happy and healthy 2021! Very best,

  • October 2020
    Vol. 14 No. 54 (2020)

    The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

    Dear friends,
    we are pleased to announce that we activated two new services for our Journal:
    - It is possible to type your comments to the published papers, opening a new “social” era for our journal. Obviously, in order to write a comment, it will be necessary to login using your credentials. Below the Abstract you find the field to be filled.
    - We have a new, and really attractive, website that is dedicated to the browsable versions of the published issues:
    Select the issue of interest. You can read it as a hardcopy on your pc or your tablet.
    Finally, we introduced a supplementary step in the reviewing process. After the “normal” blind peer review, the papers are pre-published in the “Online first” section of the journal. Well, all the readers are solicited to send their comments and, if necessary, authors will be requested to modify the paper before the final publication.
    Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,

  • July 2020
    Vol. 14 No. 53 (2020)

    The browsable issue is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    due to the Covid-19, many scientific associations recently discovered the web.
    Considering that, for example:
    YouTube was born in 2005
    YouTube became in 2007 an independent subsidiary of Google Inc.
    I am proud to remember that:
    IGF videorecords all its events since 2007 and all the videos are available in the IGF YouTube channel.
    IGF streamed on the FB page its first event in 2017 (IGF24 in Urbino).
    IGF organized its first virtual conference in 2019 (VCSI1).
    IGF is online since 2007.
    IGF website:
    IGF FB page (since January 2009):
    IGF YouTube channel:
    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (since 2007):
    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Visual Abstracts YouTube Channel:

    Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,



  • April 2020
    Vol. 14 No. 52 (2020)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    First of all, some information about the Publisher’s website, Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF). Now we have a new address ( and the website is based on Google Sites, offering many services (we will discover them all together in the next future!) and allowing to obtain a really high responsiveness of the website, being really independent on the device you use to surf the site. I hope you will appreciate this new approach.
    Secondly some news about the recent activities organized by IGF. Although these last months were quite hard for the events organizers, IGF opened the 2020 with two successful events:
    - The VCSI1 (1st Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity; in cooperation with the Greek, the Portuguese and the Serbian Fracture groups) that was held online on January 16, 2020 and, maybe, defined a new paradigm in the organization of low cost-high quality events. All the presentations and the discussions are available in the IGF YouTube channel ( and the papers will be published in a Procedia Structural Integrity Issue.
    - The MedFract1 (1st Mediterranean Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity, in cooperation with the Greek fracture group), that was held in Athens (Greece) in February (26-28). In this case, we were able to face the problems created by the Covid-19 organizing some virtual sessions with remote speakers. Also in this case, all the presentations are available in the IGF YouTube channel ( and the papers will be published in a Procedia Structural Integrity Issue.
    Third, we are trying to “push” the YouTube channel we are using to publish the Visual Abstracts:
    As you can see, as we have less than 100 subscribers, we can’t have a customized url. Please, join the channel!! In the Table of Contents now you can find the Visual Abstract url for each published paper.
    Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,

  • January 2020
    Vol. 14 No. 51 (2020)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    this is a really rich issue, with more than 40 published papers and five “special sections”. We are grateful for the efforts of the guest editors: their work allowed to further improve the scientific level of our journal, focusing different topicss with many interesting papers. I wish to remember their names with my deepest gratitude:
    • Michela Monaco, Francesco Portioli, Emanuele Reccia and Patrizia Trovalusci, for the section focussed on the “Fracture and Damage Detection in Masonry Structures”;
    • José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia, for the section focussed on the “Structural Integrity and Safety: Experimental and Numerical Perspectives”;
    • Filippo Berto, Vittorio Di Cocco, Paolo Ferro, Carmine Maletta, Luciana Restuccia, Giacomo Risitano and Andrea Spagnoli, for the section focussed on “IGF25 – Fracture and Structural Integrity International Conference 2019”;
    • Johan Hoefnagels and Reza Talemi, for the section focussed on the “1st Benelux Network Meeting and Workshop on Damage and Fracture Mechanics”;
    • Filippo Berto and Jan Torgersen for the section focussed on the “Additive Manufacturing”.


    Finally, I wish to remember you that, considering that FIS is characterized by many innovative features, we decided to activate a new page of the website where all these features are collected: LINK.

    Don't forget to join the FSI YouTube channel dedicated to the Visual Abstracts: LINK.

    Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,

  • October 2019
    Vol. 13 No. 50 (2019)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    We have many news for our authors and our readers.
    First of all, due to the high number of submissions, it was necessary to deeply transform the organization of the Journal. We canceled the board of Associate Editors. In these years, the members of this board did great work, continuously suggesting new ideas to further improve the journal and we are deeply grateful to Alfredo Navarro, Thierry Palin Luc, Luca Susmel and John Yates for their service for FIS. Now, we created some sections and, for the next submissions, all the authors will be asked to choose a section during the submission process. We activated a “Section Editor panel” that will actively help the Editor in Chief and we wish to welcome the Section Editors, Marco Boniardi, Nicola Bonora, Milos Djukic, Stavros Kourkoulis, Liviu Marsavina, Pedro Moreira: we are sure that their contribution will help the journal to achieve new and better results. In addition, we wish to welcome the new Co-Editor in Chief, Filippo Berto: his experience in the editorial processing and managing will let great improvements.
    Among the new services, we can remember:
    - The activation of the “Categories”: all the published papers are now categorized with one category at least and, selecting one of the categories available under the section “Browse” in the journal website, all the readers will be able to find immediately the papers focused on the selected category;
    - Visual Abstracts: all the visual abstracts are both linked to the corresponding papers and are also available in the dedicated YouTube channel. Now, in the YouTube channel, each Visual Abstract will be linked to the paper with the keywords as Tags, improving in this way the visibility both of Visual Abstracts and papers.
    Considering that FIS is characterized by many innovative features, we decided to activate a new page of the website where all these features are collected: Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions.

  • July 2019
    Vol. 13 No. 49 (2019)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    also this issue is really rich, with 69 published papers. Considering that in each issue we manage between 200 and 300 papers, it is evident the effort of the community to support the journal: authors, reviewers, editorial boards members are warmly acknowledged for their efforts, their support and the time they spend on the journal!
    With this issue, a crucial number is obtained: more than 1000 (one thousand!!!) papers have been published in “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” since its first issue, in 2007. 

    In this issue, we have many “Special Sections” and we are grateful to the Guest Editors for their help in the reviewing process. Frankly speaking, without their help it would be impossible to publish issues like the present one. We warmly acknowledge Valerii Matveenko and Oleg Plekhov (SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity), Mohammed Hadj Meliani, Ljubica Milovic and Guy Pluvinage (SI: Fracture Mechanics versus Environment), Raghu Vasu Prakash (SI: Showcasing Structural Integrity Research in India), Manuel Freitas, Luis Reis, Fatima Vaz (SI: New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture) and, finally, Luca Susmel and Michael Vormwald (SI: Crack Tip Fields).

    In the last weeks, we activated in the journal three new plugins:
    1) pdf embedded in the journal website structure: selecting a pdf, the file now is open inside the journal website;
    2) papers statistics for each paper: you are able to visualize how many downloads and view were obtained for each paper, per year and per month.
    3) “Online first”. As soon as the reviewing process is completed (... and the paper is accepted!), and the Publishing agreement and Visual Abstract is uploaded, the paper is immediately published in the “Online first” section, being immediately available!

    We hope that all these new plugins will be appreciated and, please, feel free to send us your suggestions to further improve the journal. Very best

  • April 2019
    Vol. 13 No. 48 (2019)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends, this is a very rich issue for Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. 70 papers organized both in “regular submissions” and “special issues” (maybe, better, “Focused on” sections) confirm the success of our Journal. This time I wish to warmly thank all the Guest Editors of the “Focused on” section for their hard work: they all followed the reviewing process, allowing to publish a really high quality issue. For the Crack Paths section, we have the contribution of Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri and Andrea Spagnoli (all of them from the Università di Parma, Italy). For the Portuguese contributions for Structural Integrity the issue had the contribution of Paulo N. B. Reis (from the Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) and of Abilio M. P. Silva (from the University of Porto, Portugal). Last but not least, the Showcasing Structural Integrity Research in India section was organized by Raghu Vasu Prakash (from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India) and the Design of Civil Environmental Engineering organized by Mauro Sassu, Fausto Mistretta, Flavio Stochino (from Università di Cagliari) and Franco Bontempi, Konstantinos Gkoumas (from Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)

    I wish to remember you some services we recently activated:

    Visual Abstract: this is the forth issue with all the papers connected with their Visual Abstracts. Short videos (less than 2 minutes long) with the core of the paper allow the reader to have a quick view of the papers content. We wish to thank all the authors for their efforts. These Visual Abstract are really appreciated and we hope they will increase the papers visibility. Please, remember that we publish the Visual Abstract also in a YouTube channel: LINK
    Please, join the channel… if the subscribers number will increase, we will be able to obtain a customized url!!

    Material and Design and Processing Communications (MDPC), it is the new publication media published by Wiley. All the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale authors are suggested to submit short versions of their papers to MDPC following the procedure described in the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale website: LINK

  • January 2019
    Vol. 13 No. 47 (2019)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is published every three months (January, April, July and October). Since the first issue in 2007, the journal never had problems with the submissions, and in the last issues their number increased more and more: only considering the last issue and the “normal” submissions, we received about sixty submissions (with a rejection rate of about 60%). If we consider also the Special Issues (maybe, it is better to call them “Special Sections”), in this issue we managed more than 150 papers. Thanks to the hard work of the Editorial Boards members, of the Guest Editors and of the reviewers, we are doing our best to respect the statement “The reviewing process is completed within three months” … but, obviously, this depends on the number of the reviewing rounds that are necessary to achieve the necessary quality level for the publication. So, if the reviewing process of your paper will need some days more than expected, please, be patient! We are victims of our own success!!

    The number of Sister Associations is more and more increasing. In the last three months, also the Australian Fracture Group and the Romania Association of Fracture Mechanics joined the panel and we warmly welcome the friends from these countries who joined the Editorial Board. Obviously, all the national associations that wish to help us will be welcome!

    Visual Abstract: this is the third issue with all the papers connected with their Visual Abstracts. Short videos (less than 2 minutes long) with the core of the paper allow the reader to have a quick view of the papers content. We wish to thank all the authors for their efforts. These Visual Abstract are really appreciated and we hope they will increase the papers visibility. Please, remember that we publish the Visual Abstract also in a YouTube channel: LINK
    Join the channel… if the subscribers number will increase, we will be able to obtain a customized url!!

    Finally, the last information concerns Material and Design and Processing Communications, a new publication media published by Wiley. All the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale authors are suggested to submit short versions of their papers to MDPC following the procedure described in the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale website:  LINK.

  • October 2018
    Vol. 12 No. 46 (2018)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Visual Abstracts: Visual Abstracts have been a great success. All the papers in the July issue and in this issue are published also with this fast way to communicate the “core” of the papers and many readers really appreciated this new service. For this reason, Visual Abstracts will not only be offered in the Journal website but they will also be published in the new YouTube channel
    … obviously linked to the papers! So, join the channel!

    Browsable version: The browsable version of the journal. After the last update of the software we use to prepare this version, the browsable version will be completely available also on mobile devices (no matter the OS). Try it!

  • July 2018
    Vol. 12 No. 45 (2018)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    OASPA: We are pleased to announce that Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is now a member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association). OASPA mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally, across all subjects and disciplines. This mission is carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation. All OASPA members undergo a strict initial review procedure and must then continue to exemplify high standards to remain part of OASPA.

    Visual Abstracts: In order to offer to the readers a quick way to understand the topics of the papers, since this issue on, all the authors will be requested to prepare a Visual Abstract, a 2 minutes video with comments containing the “core” of the paper. We hope that our readers will appreciate the usefulness of this new service.

  • April 2018
    Vol. 12 No. 44 (2018)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Since 2007, we used the Open Journal System (OJS) only as a sort of “papers archiving” software, managing all the activities of the IGF journal via mail (submission, reviewing etc). Well, at the end of 2017 the new OJS 3.0 was finally available and we decided to upgrade and to manage all the activities of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale using OJS. 

    I am pleased to announce that the new journal website is online and completely active at the following address:

    From now on, all the publishing process, starting from the first submission up to the final publication, will be completely followed using this journal managing system. We hope you will also appreciate the new template we adopted for the Journal website: light and responsive, it is the perfect template for the IGF Journal!

    I wish to remember that all the services that are offered by the journal are described in the new website (e.g., audioslides, videos embedded in papers, Publons for reviewers, browsable versions) and that we are open to your suggestions. Please, fill the form “Suggestions” you find in the menu “About” (it takes a couple of minutes) and we will be grateful for your suggestions/help/support/ideas!

    Finally, with the new Journal website, we also activated a panel of “sister associations” that wish to help the journal in its daily life. I am honored to inform you that many associations already joined us in this panel and many others will join us in a frame of friendship and cooperation. The list of the sister associations actually is:

    • Greece: Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materials - GSEMM
    • Italy: Società Scientifica Italiana di Progettazione Meccanica e Costruzione di Macchine - AIAS
    • Portugal: Portuguese Structural Integrity Society - APFIE
    • Serbia: Structural Integrity and Life Society "Prof. Stojan Sedmak" - DIVK
    • Spain: Grupo Espanol de Fractura - Sociedad Espanola de Integridad Estructural - GEF

     As a “Post Scriptum”, I wish to remember the meeting of the Editorial Board that will be held in Cassino (June 4th) during the IGF Workshop entitled Fracture and Structural Integrity: ten years of “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale”. You are all invited to the meeting and to the workshop… join us!

  • January 2018
    Vol. 12 No. 43 (2018)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    We are pleased to announce the agreement between IGF and Publons.
    From Wikipedia: “Publons is a website and free service for academics to track, verify and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions across the world's academic journals. It was launched in 2012 and by 2017 more than 200,000 researchers have joined the site, adding more than one million reviews across 25,000 journals. Publons' mission is to "speed up science by harnessing the power of peer review". Publons claims that by turning peer review into a measurable research output, academics can use their review and editorial record as evidence of their standing and influence in their field.
    Publons enables researchers to maintain a single verified record of their review and editorial activity for any of the world's journals. This evidence is showcased on reviewers' online profiles and can be downloaded to include in CVs, funding and job applications, and promotion and performance evaluations”

    The partnership between IGF and Publons means that, after the reviewer receives the “thank you mail” from the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Editor in Chief, it is simply necessary to forward this email to Publons to add the review to the reviewer profile on Publons (no matter if the reviewed manuscript is accepted or rejected). By default, the content of reviews for Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is not publicly displayed on Publons.
    This news service is our way to thank the reviewers for their essential contribution to the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale life.

  • October 2017
    Vol. 11 No. 42 (2017)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    The first International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM) was organized in Brno, Czech Republic in 1968. Afterwards, regular Colloquia on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals started in 1972 also in Brno and were originally limited to participants from the countries of the former “Eastern Block”. They continued until the 12th Colloquium in 1994 (Miskolc, Hungary) every two years. After a twelve years long break, the Colloquia restarted in 2006 (Ternopil, Ukraine), followed by the ones in 2008 (Varna, Bulgaria), 2010 (Opole, Poland), 2012 (Brno, Czech Republic), until the last one, which was organized in 2014 in Verbania, Italy, with the aim of opening the Colloquia to participants from all countries interested in the subject of fatigue of metallic materials.
    The XVIII International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM XVIII) was organized in Gijón, in September 2016, which is a city located at seaside in the delightful northern coast of Spain. This conference is aimed at facilitating and encouraging the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the different communities involved in both basic and applied research in this field, the fatigue of metals, looking at the problem of fatigue from microscopic, analytical, simulative and applicative points of view. Conference chairs express their gratitude to the members of the ICM Executive Committee and the International Advisory Committee for their strong support.
    This special issue is related with the selected papers of the contributions presented in ICMFM XVIII conference. The selected papers cover a significant range of the following topics: - Cyclic plasticity and internal structure; - Low and high cycle fatigue; - Mechanisms of fatigue damage; - Fracture Mechanics; - Life prediction; - Fatigue modelling; - Multiaxial fatigue; - Fatigue-corrosion. As guest editors, we would also like to express our gratitude to all authors for their contributions and to all reviewers for their generous work. Finally, the guest editors would like to dedicate special thanks to Prof. Francesco Iacoviello, editor-in-chief of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale/Fracture and Structural Integrity by the availability and support during the preparation of this volume.

    J.A.F.O. Correia, A.M.P. De Jesus
    INEGI, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

    M. Calvente, A. Fernández-Canteli
    Department of Construction and Manufacturing Engineering, Univ. of Oviedo, 33203 Gijón, Spain

  • July 2017
    Vol. 11 No. 41 (2017)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Each quadrennium, the International Congress on Fracture, ICF, the world’s premier professional society of researchers pursuing the understanding and causes of fracture to prevent fracture and damage progression in engineering materials and structures, recognizes select members for their outstanding contributions to this important field of research. The field of Fracture and Structural Integrity is relevant to Aerospace, Power Generation, Chemical Process, Biomedical, Structural Materials, Electronics, and Recreation industries and in Geophysics and engages researchers in several academic disciplines. Four gold medals, and one silver medal named after pioneers in the field of fracture are presented at its quadrennial conference. The selection of winners was made by a committee consisting of past medal recipients.

  • April 2017
    Vol. 11 No. 40 (2017)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    The present issue of “Fracture and Structural Integrity” contains, among others, a set of papers reporting current research achievements in the field of “Experimental Mechanics of Materials” from a series of Universities and Research Institutes of Greece. The papers were collected within the framework of the activities of the “Greek Society for Experimental Mechanics of Materials” (GSEMM).
    GSEMM was founded recently and its mission (as described in its officially Certified Statute) is the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge as well as training, education and know-how transfer in all fields related to “Experimental Mechanics of Materials”. The Society is already accepted by the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) as the National Committee of Greece. GSEMM plans to organize the “1st Conference of the Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materials” in Athens from 10 to 12 May 2018. GSEMM is already in contact with the Executive Committee of ESIS in order for the conference to be held under the official auspices of ESIS. Moreover, GSEMM is in contact with the Editor-in-Chief of “Procedia Structural Integrity” in order for the proceedings of the conference (after the proper peer review process), to be published in a special issue of the journal.
    The papers included in this issue of “Fracture and Structural Integrity” are original contributions concerning recent developments aiming at highlighting critical aspects of the mechanical behaviour and failure of specific building materials and structures. Attention is focused on the application of certain novel experimental sensing techniques (like Acoustic Emissions, Pressure Stimulated Currents and Electrical Resistance Change of embedded PVA-CNT fibers) in the direction of: (i) pumping data from the interior of tested specimens, (ii) detecting proper pre-failure indicators and, finally, (iii) assessing the potential of the as above mentioned techniques to be used as flexible tools for Structural Health Monitoring. The materials considered are characterized by increased brittleness and include marble, soda-glass, various porous stones, cement mortar and cement-paste and bone tissue. Some of these materials, like for example Dionysos marble and Alfas porous stone, are widely used in on-going restoration projects of classical monuments of the Greek Cultural Heritage. The majority of the papers describe experimental research work, while two of them are based on analytical and/or numerical schemes.
    The Guest Editors would like to emphasize that it is an honor and privilege for us the fact that we have had the opportunity to edit this issue of “Fracture and Structural Integrity”. We wish to sincerely thank the authors who have contributed and also, we would like to express our gratitude to the reviewers of all the papers, since they worked tirelessly to assure the scientific quality and originality of the submitted articles.
    Finally, we would like to thank the Editor-in-chief of “Fracture and Structural Integrity” Professor Francesco Iacoviello, who provided us with the ‘podium’ of the journal and offered us the opportunity to demonstrate the research implemented at various Greek institutes, in the field of “Experimental Mechanics of Materials”. We hope that the publication of this issue of “Fracture and Structural Integrity” will be the first step towards the enhancement of the relation between the “Italian Group of Fracture” and the newly founded GSEMM, for the mutual benefit of the members of both societies.

    Stavros K. Kourkoulis
    School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Department of Mechanics,
    National Technical University of Athens,
    Athens, Greece

    Dimos Triantis
    Department of Electronics,
    Technological Educational Institution of Athens,
    Athens, Greece

  • January 2017
    Vol. 11 No. 39 (2017)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friend,
    ten years ago, in 2007, the IGF Ex-Co decided to publish an open access on line journal… Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale was born! Starting from a few papers per issue, many of them in italian, now Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is a really well known international journal. Hundreds of papers with hundreds of authors from all over the world were published in the last years and the journal indexing and evaluations are absolutely of the highest level. This great result is only due to an enthusiast group of friends that served (and serves!) the journal in different roles (Associate Editors, Guest Editors, Advisory Editorial Board members, Editorial Board members, Reviewers) and to a long list of authors that in these years supported our journal with their submissions ... THANK YOU!!!
    In these years, we tried to do our best activating some innovative services. Among them:
    - Papers published both in pdf and in a browsable format;
    - The possibility to embed and discuss videos in the published papers;
    - The possibility to publish papers with audioslides embedded;
    In this issue, we will offer you a new service. On the top-left side of the first page of each paper, you will find an “audio” symbol. If you will select this symbol, a voice will read title, abstract, keywords and conclusions of the paper. Hoping that this new service will be useful, thank you so much for supporting us,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • October 2016
    Vol. 10 No. 38 (2016)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friend,
    in this issue you will find the second part of the papers focused on the Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture. We wish to warmly thanks the three guest editors (Andrea Carpinteri, Ali Fatemi, Carlos Navarro Pintado) for their efforts and all the authors for the really high quality of their papers.

    I am pleased to inform you that we received great the 2015 Index Copernicus evaluation: the ICV 2015 is equal to 129.04 (ICV2014: 120.66). In 5 years, we always increased our ICVs and this is mainly due to the quality of the published papers … thank you!!!

    Finally, just a few words about the ECF21 that was held in june in Catania. It was a great success! A great team (first of all, the IGF Ex-Co), enthusiast participants and the wonderful venue were the main ingredients that allowed to organize a successful event, with more than 650 participants and about 700 presentations. For the first time in the ESIS history, almost all the presentations were videorecorded and they are now available in the new ESIS YouTube channel. If you were not able to join us in Catania, you are still in time to join us on web (… don’t miss the social event!!).

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • July 2016
    Vol. 10 No. 37 (2016)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friend,
    in this Editorial it is necessary to spread some great news:
    First of all, we are publishing two great special issues in this volume. I am sure you will appreciate both the papers focused on the Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (Guest Editors: Andrea Carpinteri, Ali Fatemi, Carlos Navarro Pintado) and the papers focused on the Fracture Mechanics in Central and East Europe (Guest Editor: Donka Angelova), and I wish to warmly thank all the Guest editors for their efforts to organize and publish a high level special issue in our journal.

    Secondly, I wish to thank all the authors that submitted their papers according to the “normal” submission procedure. Since our first issue, we never had a papers submission problem but … now we can affirm that the number, and the quality, of the submissions is really interesting, allowing to the journal to follow a correct selection procedure (always trying to help the authors to get the paper publication).

    Last, but not least… indexing.
    First great news: we are now indexed in ISI Web Of Science (ESCI-Emerging Sources Citation Index).
    Second great news: Scimago Journal & Country Rank has been updated with the 2015 values … we further improved our “numbers” and now, in the Mechanical Engineering topic, we are really near to the Q2 quartile (4/1000). Only the parameters that are normalized with the published papers number show a little decrease, but this is due to the strong increase of the published papers in 2015 (we published 215 papers, to be compared to 93 papers in 2014).

    These great results are obviously due to a great group of friends that constantly supports all the IGF initiatives, to the help of the Advisory Editorial Board and of the Editorial Board members, to the Associate Editors and to the Guest Editors and, obviously, to all the authors that believed in our journal submitting their papers.

    Now, we are approaching the tenth year of the Journal life… althought the Journal is really young, in this ten years it achieved great results, but I am sure that with the help of our community … the best has yet to come!! Ad maiora!

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • April 2016
    Vol. 10 No. 36 (2016)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    This issue of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale contains ten research papers focused on Fracture Mechanics in Central and East Europe.
    Four papers from Serbia deal with fatigue crack growth, presenting experimental and numerical results, obtained in the Military Institute, Institute for material testing and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, all from Belgrade.
    Paper Integrity and life estimation of turbine runner cover in a hydro power plant by A.Sedmak, M. Arsić, S. Bošnjak, S. Sedmak and Z. Savić, presents integrity and life estimation of turbine runner cover in a vertical pipe turbine. Fatigue and corrosion-fatigue interaction have been taken into account using experimentally obtained material properties, as well as analytical and numerical calculations of stress state, to estimate appropriate safety factors. Fatigue crack growth rate was also calculated, indicating that internal defects of circular or elliptical shape, detected by ultrasonic testing, do not affect integrity of runner cover.
    Paper Experimental examination of fatigue life of welded joint with stress concentration by M. Arsic , A. Sedmak, S. Bosnjak, S. Sedmak and Z. Savic, presents results of experimental examinations of stress concentration influence on fatigue life of butt welded joints with K-groove, produced from the structural steel S355J2+N. Specimens with short cracks (with limited length of initial crack), defined on the basis of the experiences from fracture mechanics by the three points bending examinations, have been examined according to standard for the determination of S-N curve, and used to determine permanent fatigue strengths for different lengths of initial crack.
    In the paper Fatigue life prediction of casing welded pipes by applying the extended finite element method, Lj. Lazić Vulićević, A. Grbović, A. Sedmak, Ž. Šarkočević and A. Rajić use the extended finite element (XFEM) method to simulate fatigue crack growth in casing pipe, made of API J55 steel by high-frequency welding, in order estimate its structural integrity and life. Based on the critical value of stress intensity factor KIc, measured in different regions of welded joint, the crack was located in the base metal as the region with the lowest resistance to crack initiation and propagation. The XFEM was first applied to the three point bending specimens to verify numerical results with the experimental ones, and afterwards to simulate fatigue crack growth and estimate its remaining life.
    In the paper Influence of exploitation duration and temperature on the fatigue growth parameters in different regions of a welded joints by I. Camagic, Z. Burzic, A. Sedmak, N. Vasic, B. Cirkovic and A. Radovic, the influence of exploitation duration and temperature on the fatigue crack growth parameters in different regions of a welded joint is analysed for new and exploited low-alloyed Cr-Mo steel A-387 Gr. B. Fatigue crack growth parameters, threshold value Kth, coefficient C and exponent m, have been determined, both at room and exploitation temperature. Based on testing results, fatigue crack growth resistance in different regions of welded joint is compared.
    The authors of the other six papers are from Germany, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovakia.
    Paper Numerical Simulation of Dissimilar Metal Welding and its Verification for Determination of Residual Stresses with authors Sz. Szávai, Z. Bezi and C. Ohms presents the through-thickness residual stress distributions on dissimilar metal weld (DMW) mock-up. DMWs, were considered as joints between ferritic steels and either austenitic stainless steels or nickel-based alloys. The numerical simulations were performed using commercial finite element code MSC.Marc, and residual stress measurements were performed on welded joints to validate the simulation results. The validated residual stress distributions can be used for the life time assessment and failure mode predictions of the welded joints.
    In the paper Scaling Of Compression Strength in Disordered Solids: Metallic Foams, authors J. Kováčik, J. Jerz, N. Mináriková, L. Marsavina, E. Linul, the scaling of compression strength with porosity for aluminium foams was investigated. Three different compositions Al 99.96, AlMg1Si0.6 and AlSi11Mg0.6 foams of various porosity, sample size with and without surface skin were tested in compression. It was observed that the compression strength of aluminium foams scales near the percolation threshold with Tf ≈ 1.9 - 2.0 almost independently on the matrix alloy, sample size and presence of surface skin.
    V. Petrova, S. Schmauder, A. Shashkin in Modeling of edge cracks interaction investigated the effects of the interaction of edge cracks on further crack formation. The solution of singular integral equations is obtained by a numerical method which is based on Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature. The main fracture characteristics, such as, stress intensity factors, fracture angles and critical loads are provided in this study. A series of illustrative examples are presented for different geometries of arbitrarily inclined edge cracks.
    Paper titled Failure analysis of dissimilar single-lap joints having authors F.A. Stuparu, D.A. Apostol. D.M. Constantinescu, M. Sandu, S. Sorohan investigates the single-lap joints made of aluminium and carbon fibre adherends of different thickness. The experimental tests and the use of 2D Digital Image Correlation were employed in order to understand better the behaviour of such dissimilar joints. The obtained results are suggesting that a complete monitoring of the failure processes in the overlap region can be fully understood only if local deformation measurements are possible.
    The Special Issue is closed by two papers of T. Fekete Review of Pressurized Thermal Shock Studies of Large Scale Reactor Pressure Vessels in Hungary and Methodological Developments in the Field of Structural Integrity Analyses of Large Scale Reactor Pressure Vessels in Hungary. In the first one presents a comparative review of the methodologies used to investigate pressurized thermal shock which appear in the four nuclear power units from Hungary. The concept of structural integrity was the basis of research and development. The second paper presents in the first part of the paper, a short historic overview with the origins of the Structural Integrity concept are presented, and the beginnings of Structural Integrity in Hungary are summarized. In the second part, a new conceptual model of Structural Integrity is introduced. In the third part, a brief description of the VVER-440 V213 type RPV and its surrounding primary system is presented. In the fourth part, a conceptual model developed for PTS Structural Integrity Analyses is explained.

    Aleksandar SEDMAK, University of Belgrade, Serbia
    Liviu MARSAVINA, University Politehnica Timisoara, Roamnia


  • January 2016
    Vol. 10 No. 35 (2016)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    just an update about the most important event that IGF is organizing: the 21st European Conference on Fracture, under the auspices of the European Structural Integrity Society. This event will be held in Catania, Italy (June 20-24, 2015) and, according to the ECFs events tradition, will allows to hundred of researchers to meet in the wonderful land of Sicily. I don’t want to bother you describing the sea, the culture, the food, the people of Sicily … join us and you will see by your own!!!
    In these lines I wish only to underline few details:
    - Abstract summission deadline has been postponed: 15.01.2016;
    - Proceedings will be published in Procedia Structural Integrity (Elsevier); Templates are available in the ECF21 website;
    - Special issues will be published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Failure Analysis, International Journal of Fatigue and Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics;
    - A Summer School titled “Understanding and modelling fracture and fatigue of materials and structures” will be organized before the ECF event (June 18-19, 2015)

    You can find all the details in the ECF21 website …. Looking forward to meeting you in Catania!!!

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • October 2015
    Vol. 9 No. 34 (2015)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    just a few words about the most important event that IGF is organizing: the 21st European Conference on Fracture, under the auspices of the European Structural Integrity Society. This event will be held in Catania, Italy (June 20-24, 2015) and, according to the ECFs events tradition, will allows to hundred of researchers to meet in the wonderful land of Sicily. I don’t want to bother you describing the sea, the culture, the food, the people of Sicily … join us and you will see by your own!!!
    In these lines I wish only to underline some details:
    - Abstract summission deadline: 30.11.2015;
    - Proceedings will be published in Procedia Structural Integrity (Elsevier);
    - Special issues will be published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Failure Analysis and International Journal of Fatigue;
    - A Summer School titled “Understanding and modelling fracture and fatigue of materials and structures” will be organized before the ECF event (June 18-19, 2015)

    You can find all the details in the ECF21 website …. Looking forward to meeting you in Catania!!!

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • July 2015
    Vol. 9 No. 33 (2015)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear friends,
    We are proud and happy to announce to the fracture and structural integrity community that, since this issue on, the IGF Journal Fracture and Structural Integrity (Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, F&SI) will offer two new service:
    - Video embedded: F&SI Authors will be allowed to publish papers containing videos. As a consequence, it will be possible for the authors to describe both figures and videos. Videos will be available for all the OS and all the devices (desktop, laptop and mobile).
    - Audioslides: F&SI Authors will be allowed to offer to the readers their Audioslides containing a description of their paper. The Audioslides will be embedded in the paper and will be available for all the OS and all the devices (desktop, laptop and mobile).
    Considering the videos, there are no Mb limits and all the main codec are allowed.
    Considering the Audioslides, there are neither slides number nor MB limits.
    For file size smaller than 20 Mb, Authors can directly send their files to Larger files can be sent using services like, or, or sharing a Dropbox folder with
    In order to assist the Audioslides production, a short Tutorial is available here:
    Very best

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • April 2015
    Vol. 9 No. 32 (2015)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear Friend,
    2015 will be a very exciting year for IGF. Two consecutive workshops will be held in Urbino on two important topics:
    - Characterization of Crack Tip Fields, april 20-22, 2015
    - Challenges in Multiaxial Fatigue, april 22-24, 2015
    In June, IGF will organize the XXIII National IGF Conference - 1st International Edition (June 22-24, 2015). All our friends from all over the world are warmly invited to join us and participate to this conference that will be held in the little but wonderful island of Favignana (near Sicily). The official language of the event will be English and proceedings will be published on Procedia Engineering (new abstract deadline: 05/04/2015. Submission procedure is published in the IGF website).
    … and, obviously, do not forget the European Conference on Fracture (ECF21) that will be held in Catania in June 2016 (
    Looking forward to meeting you soon in Urbino and/or in Favignana,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • January 2015
    Vol. 9 No. 31 (2015)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear Friend,
    this issue is focused on the research activities on fracture mechanics and structural integrity in Portugal. It is a pleasure to warmly acknowledge our guest editors, Abílio Manuel Pinho de Jesus and Manuel de Freitas, for their help and their efforts: seven very interesting papers offer an overview of the intense research activities on fracture mechanics and structural integrity in this wonderful country.

    Just a few words about the next IGF activities in 2015.
    First of all, IGF will organize two workshops in Urbino on two important topics:
    - Characterization of Crack Tip Fields, april 20-22, 2015
    - Challenges in Multiaxial Fatigue, april 22-24, 2015
    In addition, IGF will organize the XXIII National IGF Conference - 1st International Edition (June 22-24, 2015). All our friends from all over the world are warmly invited to join us and participate to this conference that will be held in the little but wonderful island of Favignana (near Sicily). The official language of the event will be English and proceedings will be published on Procedia Engineering (abstract deadline: 28/02/2015. Submission procedure is published in the IGF website).
    Looking forward to meeting you soon,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • October 2014
    Vol. 8 No. 30 (2014)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear Friend,
    this issue is one of the most rich we ever published!! Dozens of high quality papers mainly, but not uniquely, connected to the Multilateral workshop organized in cooperation with our portuguese and spanish friends. Grupo Español de Fractura, Gruppo Italiano Frattura and Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (SPM)/Fracture Division organized The First Multi-Lateral Workshop on Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues in Catania, in the same venue that will be used in 2016 for the 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF21)… a test is always better!
    The organizers of The First Multi-Lateral Workshop on Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues were:
    - Paulo De Castro (Universidade do Porto, Portugal);
    - Manuel de Freitas (EDAM MIT, Portugal);
    - Francesco Iacoviello (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy);
    - Antonio Martín-Meizoso (Universidad de Navarra, Spain);
    - Luca Susmel (University of Sheffield, UK);
    - Jesús Toribio (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
    More than 70 presentations are an undoubted success … and the success of this event was also due to the efforts of all the members of the IGF ExCo… without their help, the organization of this event, and also of all the IGF events, would be simply impossible.
    Beppe and Donato (the Vice Presidents), Angelo (the Treasurer) and Andrea, Carmine, Giacomo, Vittorio …
    Warmly acknowledgments are also due to GOM Tecnologie di Misurazione Ottica, MTS and Leica Microsystems. Their support allows to IGF to organize its events and we are grateful for their constant help. In addition, we wish to thank ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society), ICF (International Congress on Fracture) and AIM (Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia) for their sponsoring.
    Finally, a few words about the cover. After some years, we decided to change the cover of the IGF journal, simplifying the content and modifying the main picture. As you can see, this picture is a “scheme” of the Eiffel Tower with some evident modifications, in order to underline the main topics of our journal. Hoping that the new cover will be appreciated, we wish to propose to all of you to send us your ideas for new covers. The best ones will be used for the next issues, obviously with warm acknowledgements to the authors!!

    Francesco Iacoviello
    F&IS Chief Editor

  • July 2014
    Vol. 8 No. 29 (2014)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear Friend,
    this is the 29th issue of the IGF Journal … and we have other news for you!!
    First of all, some details about this issue. As you can see, 37 papers! 32 papers are dedicated to the Computational Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials activities in Italy. Sonia Marfia and Elio Sacco (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) are the guest editors and we are grateful for all their efforts that allowed to obtain and important state of art of the research activities in Italy on the Computational Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials.
    Secondly, we started a cooperation with CrossRef, an association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. CrossRef citation-linking network today covers over 67 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and professional publishers around the globe.
    Last, but not least, the new address (and the new server) for our journal: Starting from July 4th the "Fracture and Structural Integrity" journal is hosted on a cloud server. Cloud servers mean virtual servers which run on cloud computing environment. The key benefits of using cloud servers are:
    - Flexibility and scalability; extra resource can be accessed as and when required;
    - Cost-effectiveness; whilst being available when needed, clients only pay for what they are using at a particular time;
    - Reliability; due to the number of available servers, if there are problems with some, the resource will be shifted so that clients are unaffected.
    Thanks to the new server it will be possible to activate in the future new and (we hope!) useful services. At you can find both the IGF journal Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and the other two journals we publish on line in our OJS server with the permission of AIM (La Metallurgia Italiana) and of Teksid (Metallurgical Science and Technology), respectively. We hope you will appreciate the possibility to read all these journals using the same portal.

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Direttore F&IS

  • April 2014
    Vol. 8 No. 28 (2014)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Dear Friend,
    this is the 28th issue of the IGF Journal. Born in 2007, after only seven years and thanks to the contribution and to the support of many friends, the Journal has obtained some incredible results. The Journal is now very well indexed (Scopus, EI Compendex, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, EBSCO host, ProQuest, Google Scholar …) and is available in so many on line library that it is quite impossible to give a short list of them, also considering only the most prestigious ones. Considering the first obtained evaluations, we can remember the evolution of the Index Copernicus evaluation:
    - 2011: 5.09
    - 2012: 6.96
    - 2013 (new!!): 7.67
    After 28 issues, the journal is still characterized be the same peculiarities we defined from the first issue:
    - a fast but careful reviewing process: up to now, all the submitted papers has been always published (or rejected) within three months from the first submission;
    - an “obsession” for the open access approach: our Journal is completely free of charge both for readers and for writers.
    - indexing as a service: it is not sufficient that the papers are published on line… the Journal must assist the spread of the published papers improving the Journal indexation.
    Considering these developing lines, in the last months we had a little “revolution” in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale.
    First of all, new components joined the Advisory Editorial Board: Ashok Saxena and Shouwen Yu. All the components of this Board are part of the elite of the Fracture and Structural Integrity world, and we are really proud of it!!
    Concerning the Journal Review Board, now this has been changed in an Editorial Board: this is not only a mere name modification, but also the components’ responsibilities have been changed. Furthermore, also the composition of this Board has been renewed: thanking the Colleagues that worked for the old JRB, we wish to thank all the friends of the new EB for all the efforts they will produce to improve to journal quality.

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Direttore F&IS

  • January 2014
    Vol. 8 No. 27 (2014)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Cara Lettrice, caro Lettore,
    è iniziato l’avvicinamento al principale evento IGF degli ultimi anni: l’organizzazione della 21° European Conference on Fracture, che si terrà a Catania fra poco più di due anni. Dopo l’ECF20 di Trondheim (Norvegia), che ti ricordo si terrà dal 30 giugno al 4 luglio 2014, toccherà a noi! Inizia a segnare nel tuo calendario queste date: dal 19 al 24 giugno 2016.
    Per prepararci al meglio a questo evento, il Consiglio di Presidenza ha deciso di intensificare ulteriormente la nostra già intensa attività internazionale, sia incrementando il numero di special issue della nostra rivista focalizzate su prestigiose scuole internazionali e su particolari eventi, sia organizzando eventi internazionali, ovviamente di dimensioni inferiori all’ECF21!
    Iniziamo quindi con l’organizzazione del First Multi-Lateral Workshop on “Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues”, in collaborazione con il Grupo Español de Fractura (GEF) e la Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (SPM)/Fracture Division, e con il patrocinio dell’ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) e dell’ICF (International Congress on Fracture). L’evento si svolgerà a Catania dal 15 al 17 settembre 2014. I lavori presentati, dopo revisione, costituiranno il numero di Ottobre 2014 della rivista IGF Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale e alcuni di questi, in versione estesa, saranno pubblicati in un numero speciale di Theoretical and applied Fracture Mechanics (Elsevier). Le principali deadline sono:
    - 31.03.2014: Abstract submission
    - 30.04.2014: Notification of Acceptance
    - 31.07.2014: Papers submission
    Come al solito, troverai tutte le informazioni nel sito IGF,

    Qualche parola sul presente numero. Come avrai notato, anche questo numero presenta alcuni lavori a tema. Non voglio approfondire l’argomento (ci penserà il Guest Editor nell’introduzione che segue). Desidero solo dirti che se hai un argomento che ti sta particolarmente a cuore, se stai organizzando un evento particolarmente interessante, la rivista IGF è uno strumento di divulgazione (gratuito) a disposizione di tutti. Per pubblicare un numero a tema è sufficiente contattarci con almeno 3 mesi di anticipo (

    Infine, sebbene il presente numero viene pubblicato il 1 gennaio 2014, mentre sto scrivendo queste poche righe è ancora metà dicembre 2013 e … ne approfitto per degli auguri fuori tempo …
    … Buon Natale ed un felice e prospero 2014!!!!!

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Direttore F&IS

  • October 2013
    Vol. 7 No. 26 (2013)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Cara Lettrice, caro Lettore,
    utilizziamo queste poche righe per darti qualche novità riguardanti la vita della rivista IGF, ormai arrivata al suo ventiseiesimo numero.
    Anzitutto l’acronimo che abbiamo deciso di adottare per la rivista IGF nell’ultima assemblea dei Soci IGF: F&IS. Da oggi questa sarà la denominazione abbreviata di Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale!
    Come avrai già notato, abbiamo pubblicato alcuni “numeri dedicati”. Non vogliamo chiamarli “special issue”. Si tratta piuttosto di numeri pubblicati secondo la cadenza normale che, oltre a contenere articoli proposti e revisionati secondo la normale procedura, contengono anche una serie di articoli dedicati ad un argomento oppure ad un evento particolare. Per questi numeri i due Board e gli Editor sono coadiuvati da uno o più Guest Editor. Si tratta, ad esempio, del numero 24 (aprile 2013), dedicato alla Russian Fracture Mechanics School, oppure del numero 25 (luglio 2013), dedicato al Workshop organizzato a Malaga dal titolo Characterization of Crack Tip Stress Field. Quindi, se vuoi proporre una special issue dedicata ad un argomento particolare oppure ad un evento di interesse per la comunità IGF, contattaci!!
    Altro evento importante è l’arrivo di un nuovo Associate Editor: Alfredo Navarro Robles della Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Sevilla, Spagna! Siamo certi che con il suo contributo faremo crescere ulteriormente la qualità e la diffusione della rivista IGF.
    Infine, e forse questa è la novità più importante, desideriamo comunicarvi che a partire da questo numero sarà possibile inserire dei video all’interno degli articoli e, ovviamente, commentare questi video all’interno del testo dell’articolo. Si tratta di una modalità assolutamente innovativa di divulgazione. A causa della molteplicità di sistemi operativi e di browser, e delle diverse modalità di fruizione dei lavori (desktop, laptop e mobile) inseriremo i video come link multimediali che potranno funzionare in maniera differente in funzione del device, del sistema operativo e del browser.
    In corrispondenza delle figure che potranno attivarsi come video troverete queste due icone:

    La prima icona (sicuramente funzionate su sistemi Windows desktop), permette di fruire il video in maniera assolutamente interessante: selezionandola si apre infatti il video all’interno di una finestra mobile, che consente di scorrere il testo dell’articolo e visionare contemporaneamente il video (l’icona è collegata ad un file flv). La seconda icona è più utile in altri sistemi operativi (ad esempio Apple-ipad) e permette di fruire i video in una nuova finestra (l’icona è collegata ad un file mp4). E’ da sottolineare che la dimensione del file pdf resta immutata, in quanto i file sono solo collegati ai differenti file. Si tratta evidentemente di una modalità di pubblicazione innovativa che nel prossimo futuro sicuramente vedrà delle evoluzioni. Speriamo che questa novità riscuota il vostro apprezzamento, a presto

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Direttore F&IS

  • July 2013
    Vol. 7 No. 25 (2013)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Single parameter characterisation of the crack/notch tip field using fracture mechanics parameters like K, J or CTOD has been extremely powerful in advancing predictive technologies for critical or sub-critical crack growth. It has also become clear over the last 40 years that single parameter approaches have limitations particularly in dealing with crack growth phenomena arising from crack tip shielding, often resulting from the plastic enclave surrounding a crack. Influences of this enclave on the crack tip stress field ahead of the crack are maximised during cyclic loading. In the case of a parameter like stress intensity factor, K, which characterises the crack tip field via an elastic approximation, it is not surprising that any set of plasticity-induced circumstances which perturb the size of the plastic enclave and its associated strain field lead to predictive difficulties. Over the last 30 years, notable areas of activity related to such difficulties include short cracks, plasticity-induced closure, variable amplitude and multiaxial loading and notch effects. Thus an increasing number of authors and research groups, particularly in Europe, are working on the topic of characterisation of crack tip stresses using more than one fracture mechanics parameter. Attention has been directed, for example, towards incorporating the T-stress into life prediction methods. The T-stress is the second term in a Williams-type expansion of the crack tip stresses and it affects the extent and shape of crack tip plasticity. It would therefore be expected to be influential in plasticity-related crack growth phenomena and a number of publications have demonstrated this to be true. The situation is further complicated where a crack experiences multiaxial loading and Modes II and III fracture mechanics parameters are also necessary. Other research groups have focussed attention on incorporating additional elastic fracture mechanics parameters into crack/notch tip characterisation, which describe the effects of an Eshelby-type ‘plastic inclusion’ on an elastic stress field.
    The first highly successful workshop on this topic was held in Forni di Sopra, Udine, Italy in March 2011 and the proceedings were published as a joint-Special Issue of IJFatigue and FFEMS.

    Francesco Iacoviello (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy)

    M. Neil James (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom)

    Pablo Lopez-Crespo (University de Malaga, Spain)

    Luca Susmel (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

  • April 2013
    Vol. 7 No. 24 (2013)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Gentilissimo lettore,
    il presente numero è prevalentemente dedicato alla prestigiosa Scuola Russa di Meccanica della Frattura. L’obiettivo del numero è quello di offrire un aggiornamento su alcune delle linee di ricerca seguite in questo immenso paese, non tentando nemmeno di essere esaustivi (sarebbe stato necessario un numero certamente ben più corposo), ma cercando di offrire degli spunti di riflessione e, magari, dei riferimenti per possibili collaborazioni. Desidero cogliere l’occasione per ringraziare di cuore Oleg Plekhov, dell’Institute of continuous media mechanics UB RAS, Perm, Russia, e Guest Editor del presente numero, per il continuo supporto che ha reso possibile la pubblicazione di questo numero speciale, e Giacomo Risitano, componente del Consiglio di Presidenza IGF, che ha appunto proposto la special issue dedicata alla Scuola Russa di Meccanica della Frattura e che tanto si è adoperato per il suo successo.
    Il numero è inoltre arricchito da alcuni lavori non legati alla “special issue”. Preferiamo mantenere i quattro appuntamenti annuali, conservando la tempistica di pubblicazione dei lavori presentati al di fuori delle special issue (massimo tre mesi dal primo invio). Come nel precedente numero di Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, i lavori appartenenti alla special issue sono quindi contraddistinti da una scritta nella prima pagina in alto a destra.

    Infine, qualche informazione riguardante il prossimo Convegno IGF XXII (Roma 1-3 luglio 2013). Il convegno si terrà presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Roma “Sapienza”, nell’Aula del Chiostro (via Eudossiana 18). Al fine di agevolare il processo di indicizzazione, la lingua preferenziale degli atti è l’inglese. Sono comunque accettati anche lavori in italiano, ma con abstract lungo in inglese (almeno 800 parole). Nel sito IGF sono disponibili i template per la preparazione degli atti.
    Le prossime scadenze sono:
    - 10.04.2013: invio Abstract
    - 15.04.2013: accettazione Abstract
    - 31.05.2013: invio memorie

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Presidente IGF
    Direttore Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

  • January 2013
    Vol. 7 No. 23 (2013)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Gentilissimo lettore,
    nell’ultima Newsletter IGF sono stati riportate le attività organizzate dall’IGF nel 2012. Molto brevemente:

    - Ha organizzato il Workshop Problematiche di Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale di Materiali e Componenti Ingegneristici, Forni di Sopra, marzo 2012. Nel sito IGF sono disponibili gli atti e le videoregistrazioni (queste ultime sono disponibili anche nel canale IGF in iTunesU)
    - Ha organizzato la Scuola Estiva Multiaxial fatigue assessment of engineering materials and components, relatore il Prof. Darrell F. Socie della University of Illinois ad Urbana-Champaign, luglio 2012, Udine. Le videoregistrazioni sono disponibili nel sito IGF e nel canale IGF in iTunesU.
    - Ha ottenuto l'assegnazione dell'organizzazione dell'evento ESIS del 2016, ovvero l'ECF21, che si terrà quindi a Catania nel giugno 2016
    - Ha organizzato una sessione IGF nel convegno internazionale CompImage 2012, Roma settembre 2012. Le videoregistrazioni sono disponibili nel sito IGF e nel canale IGF in iTunesU.
    - Ha contribuito all'organizzazione del Crack Paths 2012, Gaeta settembre 2012. Gli atti sono disponibili nel sito IGF.
    - Ha organizzato il Wokshop Virtual testing of heterogeneous materials, Torino ottobre 2012. Purtroppo, per motivi tecnici, le videoregistrazioni non sono disponibili.
    - Ha rinnovato completamente il sito IGF, rendendolo pienamente fruibile anche da device mobili.
    - Ha pubblicato uno scaffale in Google Books contenente tutti i volumi pubblicati dall'IGF nei suoi trent'anni di vita: in questo servizio è possibile effettuare ricerche anche all'interno del testo (sia dei volumi in pdf “nativo” che digitalizzati mediante scansione). Nel 2012 sono state visualizzate oltre 180000 pagine!!
    - Ha ottenuto la pubblicazione di un canale dedicato in iTunesU-Beyond Campus, incrementando la visibilità delle videoregistrazioni effettuate dal 2007 in poi.
    - Ha ottenuto l'indicizzazione Scopus della rivista IGF Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale; inoltre la rivista è stata inserita in numerose banche dati quali, ad esempio, EBSCO e ProQuest.

    Il successo di queste iniziative è merito di un gruppo di persone entusiasta: i membri del Consiglio di Presidenza (Giuseppe Ferro, Angelo Finelli, Donato Firrao, Carmine Maletta, Marco Paggi, Giacomo Risitano, Andrea Spagnoli, Luca Susmel), i componenti dei due Board che supportano le attività della rivista e tutti gli amici IGF che ci seguono con interesse sempre crescente. Grazie a tutti !!!

    Infine qualche parola sul presente numero della rivista IGF. Avrete forse notato nella copertina la presenza per questo numero di tre Guest Editor: in questo numero pubblichiamo infatti le versioni estese di alcuni lavori presentati al simposio The Italian research on smart materials and MEMS, che si è tenuto a Scilla (RC) lo scorso 31 maggio-1 giugno con il supporto dell’Associazione Italiana di Analisi delle Sollecitazioni (AIAS) e della sezione italiana dell’ASME. Ringraziamo gli autori per il loro contributo, ed i tre Guest Editor per l’accurato lavoro svolto: Eugenio Dragoni, Franco Furgiuele, Aurelio Somà.

    Con i migliori auguri di un felice e prospero 2013, tanti cari saluti,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Presidente IGF
    Direttore Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

  • October 2012
    Vol. 6 No. 22 (2012)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Questo editoriale desidero dedicarlo all’estate 2012, ricchissima di eventi per il Gruppo Italiano Frattura.
    Anzitutto la Scuola Estiva IGF, giunta al terzo appuntamento, dal titolo Multiaxial fatigue assessment of engineering materials and components (relatore Darrell F. Socie), è stato un successo: numerosi i partecipanti provenienti da diversi paesi europei, è stata videoregistrata e sarà presto disponibile nel portale IGF in iTunesU e nella webTV del sito IGF. Desideriamo ringraziare ancora Darrell F. Socie per la gentilezza e la disponibilità con cui ha svolto le lezioni e per aver consentito la pubblicazione delle videoregistrazioni.

    C’è quindi stata la “spedizione” IGF a Kazan, per offrire la proposta IGF per l’ECF21 che si terrà nel 2016. Ebbene, grazie al lavoro dell’intero Consiglio di Presidenza ed al vitale intervento del Vice Presidente IGF Beppe Ferro, Tesoriere Esis e quindi componente dell’ExCo ESIS, siamo riusciti nell’impresa !! L’ECF 21 si svolgerà nel 2016 a Catania !!!
    Abbiamo quindi organizzato una sessione IGF all’interno del convegno internazionale CompImage 2012, che si è svolto a Roma dal 5 al 7 settembre, con un centinaio di partecipanti provenienti da paesi europei ed extra europei: un evidente successo che ha sicuramente incrementato la visibilità dell’IGF in un ambito, quello dell’analisi di immagine, certamente di interesse IGF.

    Ancora, dal 19 al 21 settembre, si è svolto a Gaeta la quarta edizione del convegno internazionale Crack Paths 2012. Oltre centocinquanta partecipanti, provenienti da pesi europei ed extra europei. Il successo dell’iniziativa è certamente da attribuire ad Andrea Carpinteri, ideatore dell’evento e motore instancabile, ed al suo gruppo di lavoro, affiatato come poche volte ho avuto il piacere di vedere. L’IGF ha dato il suo contributo, e siamo felicissimi del successo dell’iniziativa.

    Lunedì 24 settembre c’è stato quindi un evento epocale, almeno per l’IGF: è stato messo on line il nuovo sito dell’associazione. Dopo cinque anni di vita, il vecchio sito è andato in pensione (vi assicuro con grande rammarico del sottoscritto che si era veramente affezionato a quella grafica ed a quella struttura), per un nuovo sito sicuramente più aggiornato e più in linea con i nuovi standard. Cinque anni nel web sono equivalenti ad un’era geologica: tanto per dirne una, cinque anni fa praticamente il web mobile nemmeno esisteva, mentre oggi ha sopravanzato quello “desktop”. Ebbene, il nuovo sito IGF permette di essere fruito con comodità da tutte le possibili device, offrendo i suoi contenuti in maniera differenziata in funzione dello strumento di consultazione utilizzato. Inoltre, direi finalmente, abbiamo dato al sito una struttura più organica. Infatti, il sito IGF nasceva nel 2007 con specifiche di progetto estremamente semplici: doveva offrire una pagina informativa dei principali eventi IGF e doveva raccogliere i lavori pubblicati dall’IGF durante i Convegni annuali (o biennali). In pochi anni si sono aggiunti la WebTV, il Calendario, la rivista IGF e tante altre sezioni che hanno reso piuttosto difficile la consultazione di un sito diventato troppo ricco. Il “colpo di grazia” è stato poi dato dal motore di ricerca: il successo ottenuto nel raccogliere i contributi esterni all’IGF (convegni Crack Paths, ICF, ECF, riviste AIM e Teksid etc) ha portato il numero dei lavori consultabili a superare l’incredibile soglia dei diciottomila articoli … a questo punto era indispensabile l’ammodernamento dell’intero sistema !! Speriamo che il nuovo sito trovi il medesimo gradimento del precedente e … ovviamente siamo aperti ai consigli ed ai contributi di tutti voi!!

    Infine due parole sulla rivista IGF. Il processo di indicizzazione Scopus ha continuato la sua marcia: ho il piacere di informarvi che è stato indicizzato l’intero 2012. Purtroppo gli anni precedenti non sono stati inclusi in Scopus, ma desidero ringraziare ancora una volta tutti gli autori dei lavori pubblicati dal 2007 al 2011. Semplicemente, senza il loro contributo, la rivista IGF non sarebbe stata indicizzata e, ancora più semplicemente, non esisterebbe proprio!

    Tanti cari saluti,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Presidente IGF
    Direttore Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

  • July 2012
    Vol. 6 No. 21 (2012)

    The browsable journal is available at this link

    Solo cinque anni fa, nel 2007, il Consiglio di Presidenza guidato dall’amico Beppe Ferro decise di pubblicare una rivista legata alle tematiche proprie dell’IGF con alcune “specifiche progettuali” ben precise:
    - struttura organizzativa agile;
    - processo di revisione rapido e puntuale;
    - modalità di divulgazione moderna e … poco onerosa!!
    Il risultato è stato Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, una rivista on line ed open access che in soli cinque anni (e venti numeri pubblicati) è riuscita ad essere inserita in numerosissime biblioteche on line e repository, ottenendo solo poche settimane fa l’inclusione in Scopus con la seguente motivazione:

    “The journal has been accepted because of its sustained and regular record of publishing articles having high academic and editorial standards.”

    Ovviamente ho subito comunicato la notizia ai Soci ed ai simpatizzanti IGF con estremo piacere, con una di quelle Newsletter che spero troviate utili, ringraziando di cuore tutti coloro che sin dall’inizio hanno creduto in questa iniziativa: colleghi, amici, membri dei vari Board che hanno sostenuto la rivista, e, anzitutto, gli autori, linfa vitale per qualunque rivista, che non hanno mai fatto mancare il loro appoggio e sostegno, consentendo alla rivista una uscita regolare e costante.
    Ora bisogna certamente guardare avanti: ottenuta l’indicizzazione Scopus ci sono altri obiettivi da raggiungere, che permetteranno di incrementare ulteriormente sia la visibilità che l’utilità della rivista.
    Desidero quindi sottolineare ancora una volta che la rivista IGF è uno strumento a disposizione dell’intera comunità scientifica legata alla frattura ed all’integrità strutturale, e che chiunque appartenga a questa comunità (non importa se Socio IGF!!) può dare il suo contributo alla rivista, inviando un proprio lavoro, proponendo Special Issue dedicate a qualche specifico argomento oppure a qualche evento, o magari, ancora, rendendosi disponibile per le operazioni di revisione.

    Tanti cari saluti,

    Francesco Iacoviello
    Presidente IGF
    Direttore Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

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