Withdrawn for plagiarism

On this page, there is a list of the papers that were withdrawn for plagiarism, with the details of the decision. "Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" is against plagiarism, and all the submitted papers are checked with anti-plagiarism software.

If the software fails this check, and you find a paper with plagiarism problems that was published in the last 2 years referring to the present date, please send us all the details (gruppofrattura@gmail.com). The authors of the paper with potential plagiarism problems must be in cc to the email.

Withdrawn papers for plagiarism:

- Hamdi Mawloud, Zenasni Ramdane, Khiat Sidi Mohammed Amine, "Critically evaluating mechanics of structure genome-based micromechanics approach", Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 49 (2019) 321-330.

Plagiarized paper: Sertse, H. M., Zhang, L., and Yu, W., 2017. Critically evaluating mechanics of structure genome-based micromechanics approach. Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, 1, pp.63–72.