Innovative Features

Self-archiving (repository policy)
Authors are permitted to self-archive all the versions of the paper (submitted, accepted and published) at any time without any embargo period. We suggest the platform ESIS - Preprint Service (ESIS -PH).

Categories: all the papers are classified according to one or more categories. Select your category of interest in the column on the right side of the journal website. A new page will open with all the papers that are classified in that category,

Comment the paper: all the registered users, after the login, are authorized to comment all the published papers. It is possible to post a comment opening the paper webpage: the "comment" field is below the abstract

Journal browsable version: The readers can find the browsable versions of the published issues both corresponding to each issue (near the icon of the issue cover there is the following statement "The browsable journal is available at this link" linked to the browsable issue) and in this new website: LINK. The browsable versions support "notes". You can add your notes and comments in the browsable version of Frattura ed integrità Strutturale. You can move the notes, you can find the notes using a list: You can even close the tab... when you will open it again your notes will be in your browsable version! Here you can have more details: LINK.

Visual Abstracts: After the paper acceptance, authors must prepare and upload a “Visual Abstract”. This must be prepared following the same procedure of the Audioslides, but with a maximum duration of 2 minutes. (here you find the Tutorial).
The “Visual Abstract” will enhance the papers visibility, allowing the readers to quickly understand the topic of the paper, focusing on the results and the conclusions. All the Visual Abstracts are also available in a dedicated YouTube channel (LINK).

Immediate publication: After the proofs and the Visual Abstract acceptance, the paper is immediately published, with its final DOI and pages numbers. All the papers are collected in four annual issues (January, April, July and Octber).

Article Metrics: Each paper shows graphs for both abstract views and PDF downloads and has the option for a multiple-year graphical presentation.

Embedded PDFs: All the papers as pdf files are now embedded in Frattura ed integrità Strutturale detail page! You can both read the paper directly in this format and download the file.

Videos and Animations: Authors are allowed to embed videos and animations in their papers, with a discussion of the content. Here it is available a Tutorial

Mendeley Style: A Mendeley Style for Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is now available here:

The installation of this style is very simple:
1) open Mendeley desktop
2) Select"View/Citation style"
3) "Get more Styles"
4) In "Download Style" copy and paste ""

Feed RSS: RSS feed allows readers to access Fracture and Structural Integrity Journal updates using a news aggregator, like Feedly. The news aggregator will automatically check the RSS feed for new content.  Use this link to add Fracture and Structural Integrity to your favorite news aggregator:

Telegram channel: Join the FIS telegram channel

Whatsapp channel: Join the Whatsapp channel LINK

OASPA: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is a member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Associations"): LINK. OASPA mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally, across all subjects and disciplines. This mission will be carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation.

Reviewers' acknowledgment: we are grateful for the efforts of our reviewers. A small sign of our gratitude is given with "Clarivate" (formerly Publons) and "Reviewer Credits" (you found the links at the end of the reviewing process). In addition, the journal offers the further possibility to obtain an immediate reviewer certificate and a coupon of 10 euros to be used for the fees of the events that will be organized by IGF in the course of the year (coupons are cumulable and can be used only for one event).

Certificate of Publication: If you published a paper in Frattura ed integrità Strutturale, you can obtain a "Certificate of Publication' simply filling the following FORM

Guest Editor - Certificate of Acknowledgment: All the Guest Editors can receive a Certificate of Acknowledgment for their service for Frattura ed integrità Strutturale simply filling this FORM.

Agreement Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale - With you can edit and publish research methods. offers (completely free of charge):
- An open access repository for research protocols;
- A protocol editor featuring a rich set of components such as reagents, timers, software packages, datasets and more;
- A collaborative working environment for research groups;
- A platform for running protocols and recording your progress step by step-

Join the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale group in LINK

Opinions and Suggestions: You can use this FORM to submit your opinion on Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and your suggestions to improve its quality and its usefulness for our community. Spend just a couple of minutes and help us to improve! Thank you for your time and your help!

Join the reviewers team: LINK

Researcher-App: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is now in Researcher-App. A single place to browse more than 5,000 journals.