Vol. 15 No. 56 (2021): April 2021

					View Vol. 15 No. 56 (2021): April 2021

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In this editorial, I wish to share with you some information about the improvements of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity). Born in 2007 (first issue: July 2007), indexed in Scopus since 2012 and in WoS since 2015, the journal published more than 1000 papers in 14 years (with about 4000 submissions).
Well… these numbers are really impressive but… is there a community around our Journal? I have the pleasure to tell you that the answer is absolutely positive.
According to Google Analytics, in three years the users number increased from 9185 (2017) to 29905 (2020), with the number of visualized pages that increased from 35061 (2017) to 113271 (2020)
Considering Citescore, the evolution of this important parameter confirms the increase of the journal visibility in just a few years, with a 2020 perspective value that is near 2!!
It is evident that only having an active and vibrant community around the journal it is possible to obtain these results. Section Editors, Editorial Boards members, Reviewers and, first of all, Authors… it is only thanks to the help of all of you that the journal was able to achieve these amazing results.
Well, just a last point… and for the future? Although we received many offers to sell the journal and, maybe, to transform it, I can guarantee that also in the future the publisher of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale will be the Gruppo Italiano Frattura and that Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale will remain a “Diamond Open Access” journal, completely free of charge both for readers and for authors, with no Article Processing Charges (APC) at all.
We only ask you to:
- read the papers we will publish in the journal;
- help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.;
- suggest any possible improvement you could have in your mind;
- submit new papers to be reviewed and published;
- help us with the reviews (we activated an agreement with Publons in order to certify your activity as a reviewer).

Published: 28-03-2021

Analytical, Numerical and Physical Models

Failure Analysis, Case Studies and Forensic Engineering

Fractography and Advanced metallography


Reliability and Life Extension of Components