Vol. 18 No. 68 (2024): April 2024

					View Vol. 18 No. 68 (2024): April 2024

The browsable version is available at this LINK.

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity) now changes the publishing timing. All the papers are now published immediately after the proofs acceptance and the Visual Abstracts uploading. The "traditional" publishing deadlines (January, April, July and October) will be used to collect the papers published in the three months before the deadline and to publish the browsable version

We hope that a continuous publishing process will improve the journal usefulness for FIS community!

Published: 30-03-2024

Fatigue and Fracture of non metallic materials

SI: Damage Mechanics of materials and structures

SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity