Vol. 18 No. 67 (2024): January 2024

					View Vol. 18 No. 67 (2024): January 2024

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Dear friends,
after obtaining the WoS Impact Factor, the number of submissions increased dramatically. Therefore, it was necessary to re-organize the Journal structure.
First of all, we defined new Sections. The updated list is now the following:
1) Analytical, computational and physical models;
2) Damage mechanics;
3) Environmentally assisted fracture;
4) Failure analysis and forensic engineering;
5) Fatigue and fracture of metallic alloys;
6) Fatigue and fracture of non-metallic materials;
7) Integrity of materials and structures.
Then, a new Section Editors team has been activated and we also renewed the Editorial Board. With this little “revolution” we hope we will be able to reduce the reviewing times and further improve the journal quality.
Finally, as you can see in the papers published in this issue, we also modified the papers layout, increasing the visibility of the Visual Abstract. Now, the written version of the abstract is still available in the paper web page, but in the pdf there is a direct link to the Visual Abstract. This new layout has nice consequences on the browsable version of the journal, and we hope you will appreciate this new approach!
We are grateful for the activity of all the Sections Editors and all the Editorial Board members who helped the journal up to the last issue … without their help and their time it would have been impossible to achieve the great results we obtained up to now!

Next IGF event: The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2024).
The Conference will be held in Rimini (Italy) and online in September 10-12, 2024.
The deadlines are:
- Always open: Registration
- 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023: Symposia proposal
- 01.01.2024 to 15.06.2024: Abstracts submission
- 15.06.2024: Acceptance notification
- 15.08.2024: Early bird registration and payment
- 10.09.2024 to 12.09.2024: Conference
- 30.09.2024: Papers submission (after the Conference)
- 15.10.2024: Papers acceptance

Published: 17-12-2023

Analytical, Numerical and Physical Models

Fatigue and Fracture of metallic alloys

Integrity of materials and structures

Structural Integrity and Durability of Structures

SI: IGF27 - 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity

Structural Integrity and Safety: Experimental and Numerical Perspectives

SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity