Vol. 16 No. 60 (2022): April 2022

					View Vol. 16 No. 60 (2022): April 2022

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Dear friends,
after 16 years, now we are publishing our 60th issue. Considering that the journal was founded in 2007 as a small and local journal and that now it is a full international publishing media with authors of about 20 nationalities (only in this last issue), this is an amazing result. Behind this result, there is the continuous support of the Italian Group of Fracture – IGF … somebody has to pay the bills! It is only thanks to the IGF support that it is possible to publish a “Diamond open access journal” that is increasing day by day its own visibility and prestige.

We are all grateful to the continuous support of the community around Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural Integrity that is many times larger than the IGF community. All the authors, reviewers, editorial boards members and readers allow this journal to live and to improve its own quality… thank you!

Published: 25-03-2022

Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

Advanced Manufacturing and Surface Treatment

Fractography and Advanced metallography


Structural Integrity and Safety: Experimental and Numerical Perspectives

Structural integrity of joints

SI: IGF26 - 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity

SI: Failure Analysis of Materials and Structures