Vol. 16 No. 59 (2022): January 2022

					View Vol. 16 No. 59 (2022): January 2022

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Dear friends,
being this the first issue of the new year, here you find a report of our activities in the last year.

Our effort to improve the journal is quite evident. In the last four years, the submissions increased (now we are near to 400 per year!), the days to first editorial decision decreased from 3 to 1 day, the days to accept decreased from 89 to 64, the days to reject decreased from 38 to 11 and the rejection rate increased from 36% to 67%. All these numbers confirm the effort of our community to improve our journal. These great results are only due to the continuous efforts of our Section Editors, of the Editorial Board Members, of all the Reviewers and, last but not least, of all the Authors! Now, in order to further improve the visibility of our journal, and of all the papers, it is necessary the contribution of all of you. The editorial world is really competitive and, in order to improve the “value” of the papers, it is important that the “numbers” are high. For example, considering CiteScore, it continuously improved from 0.2 in 2013 to 2.0 in 2020. Now, the perspective value in 2021 is 2.3, but we can further improve this value… if you find in “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” a paper of your interest, do not hesitate to add it in your References! Q2 is near and it is a possible goal for 2022! … and after that … why not a Q1?

Published: 27-12-2021

Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

Analytical, Numerical and Physical Models

Failure Analysis, Case Studies and Forensic Engineering

SI: IGF26 - 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity

SI: Steels and Composites for Engineering Structures