Vol. 15 No. 58 (2021): October 2021

					View Vol. 15 No. 58 (2021): October 2021

The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

Dear friends,
we continuously try to implement new features in our journal. The last ones we activated are:
- the list of the most used keywords … it is available as a nice “words salad” (home page, on the right side). Click on one of them … you will obtain the papers connected with the selected keyword!
- “Online First” papers are now available also in the home page, in order to improve their visibility.
- the number of visitors per country (with flags): the number is only approximative (and the counting started only a few days ago), but the feature offers a nice view of the international level of our journal.
- the list of the “Most viewed papers”: this list is available in the home page.
Please, in order to further improve our journal, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions using this LINK
We will really appreciate your help and we will do our best to implement your suggestions.

Concerning Citescore, the last update is really interesting: if the 2020 Citescore is 2.0 (calculated on 05 May, 2021), the CiteScoreTracker 2021 is now 2.2 (last update: 04 September 2021)!!! Let’s work all together to further improve the journal Citescore value!! … we only ask you to:
- read the papers we will publish in the journal;
- help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.;
- suggest any possible improvement you could have in your mind;
- submit new papers to be reviewed and published;
- help us with the reviews (in order to certify your activity as reviewer, we activated an agreement with Publons).

Published: 25-09-2021

Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

Advanced Manufacturing and Surface Treatment

Analytical, Numerical and Physical Models

Failure Analysis, Case Studies and Forensic Engineering

Reliability and Life Extension of Components

SI: IGF26 - 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity

SI: Steels and Composites for Engineering Structures