Vol. 15 No. 55 (2021): January 2021

					View Vol. 15 No. 55 (2021): January 2021

The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

This is the first issue of 2021. Summarizing, in 2020, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale published 123 papers with a rejection rate of 62%. We activated some new services. Among them:

- the possibility to publish comments to the published papers;

- an improved reviewing process: after being reviewed and accepted, the papers are pre-published in the “Online first” section. Before the final publication, it is possible to the members of FIS community to send comments about the paper and, why not, to suggest improvements!

- we published a new, and really attractive, website that is dedicated to the browsable versions of the published issues: https://fis.cld.bz/Issues.

We have another important news concerning the Visual Abstracts. Now, they are all available in the new and captivating page of the IGF website: https://www.gruppofrattura.eu/journal/visual-abstract !!

Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. We wish you a happy and healthy 2021! Very best,

Published: 28-12-2020

Failure Analysis, Case Studies and Forensic Engineering

Impact & Dynamics

Structural Integrity and Durability of Structures

SI: Structural Integrity and Safety: Experimental and Numerical Perspectives