Vol. 14 No. 54 (2020): October 2020

					View Vol. 14 No. 54 (2020): October 2020

The browsable version is available at this link: LINK

Dear friends,
we are pleased to announce that we activated two new services for our Journal:
- It is possible to type your comments to the published papers, opening a new “social” era for our journal. Obviously, in order to write a comment, it will be necessary to login using your credentials. Below the Abstract you find the field to be filled.
- We have a new, and really attractive, website that is dedicated to the browsable versions of the published issues: https://fis.cld.bz/Issues
Select the issue of interest. You can read it as a hardcopy on your pc or your tablet.
Finally, we introduced a supplementary step in the reviewing process. After the “normal” blind peer review, the papers are pre-published in the “Online first” section of the journal. Well, all the readers are solicited to send their comments and, if necessary, authors will be requested to modify the paper before the final publication.
Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,

Published: 23-09-2020

Advanced Manufacturing and Processing


Impact & Dynamics

Reliability and Life Extension of Components

SI: Structural Integrity and Safety: Experimental and Numerical Perspectives

SI: Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity 2020