Vol. 13 No. 49 (2019): July 2019

					View Vol. 13 No. 49 (2019): July 2019

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Dear friends,
also this issue is really rich, with 69 published papers. Considering that in each issue we manage between 200 and 300 papers, it is evident the effort of the community to support the journal: authors, reviewers, editorial boards members are warmly acknowledged for their efforts, their support and the time they spend on the journal!
With this issue, a crucial number is obtained: more than 1000 (one thousand!!!) papers have been published in “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” since its first issue, in 2007. 

In this issue, we have many “Special Sections” and we are grateful to the Guest Editors for their help in the reviewing process. Frankly speaking, without their help it would be impossible to publish issues like the present one. We warmly acknowledge Valerii Matveenko and Oleg Plekhov (SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity), Mohammed Hadj Meliani, Ljubica Milovic and Guy Pluvinage (SI: Fracture Mechanics versus Environment), Raghu Vasu Prakash (SI: Showcasing Structural Integrity Research in India), Manuel Freitas, Luis Reis, Fatima Vaz (SI: New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture) and, finally, Luca Susmel and Michael Vormwald (SI: Crack Tip Fields).

In the last weeks, we activated in the journal three new plugins:
1) pdf embedded in the journal website structure: selecting a pdf, the file now is open inside the journal website;
2) papers statistics for each paper: you are able to visualize how many downloads and view were obtained for each paper, per year and per month.
3) “Online first”. As soon as the reviewing process is completed (... and the paper is accepted!), and the Publishing agreement and Visual Abstract is uploaded, the paper is immediately published in the “Online first” section, being immediately available!

We hope that all these new plugins will be appreciated and, please, feel free to send us your suggestions to further improve the journal. Very best

Published: 28-06-2019


SI: Russian mechanics contributions for Structural Integrity

SI: Characterisation of Crack Tip Fields

SI: Fracture Mechanics versus Environment

SI: New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture