Vol. 13 No. 47 (2019): January 2019

					View Vol. 13 No. 47 (2019): January 2019

The browsable journal is available at this link

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is published every three months (January, April, July and October). Since the first issue in 2007, the journal never had problems with the submissions, and in the last issues their number increased more and more: only considering the last issue and the “normal” submissions, we received about sixty submissions (with a rejection rate of about 60%). If we consider also the Special Issues (maybe, it is better to call them “Special Sections”), in this issue we managed more than 150 papers. Thanks to the hard work of the Editorial Boards members, of the Guest Editors and of the reviewers, we are doing our best to respect the statement “The reviewing process is completed within three months” … but, obviously, this depends on the number of the reviewing rounds that are necessary to achieve the necessary quality level for the publication. So, if the reviewing process of your paper will need some days more than expected, please, be patient! We are victims of our own success!!

The number of Sister Associations is more and more increasing. In the last three months, also the Australian Fracture Group and the Romania Association of Fracture Mechanics joined the panel and we warmly welcome the friends from these countries who joined the Editorial Board. Obviously, all the national associations that wish to help us will be welcome!

Visual Abstract: this is the third issue with all the papers connected with their Visual Abstracts. Short videos (less than 2 minutes long) with the core of the paper allow the reader to have a quick view of the papers content. We wish to thank all the authors for their efforts. These Visual Abstract are really appreciated and we hope they will increase the papers visibility. Please, remember that we publish the Visual Abstract also in a YouTube channel: LINK
Join the channel… if the subscribers number will increase, we will be able to obtain a customized url!!

Finally, the last information concerns Material and Design and Processing Communications, a new publication media published by Wiley. All the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale authors are suggested to submit short versions of their papers to MDPC following the procedure described in the Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale website:  LINK.

Published: 22-03-2019


SI: Fracture and Structural integrity: ten years of F&IS

SI: Design of Civil Environmental Engineering