Vol. 10 No. 38 (2016): October 2016

					View Vol. 10 No. 38 (2016): October 2016

The browsable journal is available at this link

Dear friend,
in this issue you will find the second part of the papers focused on the Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture. We wish to warmly thanks the three guest editors (Andrea Carpinteri, Ali Fatemi, Carlos Navarro Pintado) for their efforts and all the authors for the really high quality of their papers.

I am pleased to inform you that we received great the 2015 Index Copernicus evaluation: the ICV 2015 is equal to 129.04 (ICV2014: 120.66). In 5 years, we always increased our ICVs and this is mainly due to the quality of the published papers … thank you!!!

Finally, just a few words about the ECF21 that was held in june in Catania. It was a great success! A great team (first of all, the IGF Ex-Co), enthusiast participants and the wonderful venue were the main ingredients that allowed to organize a successful event, with more than 650 participants and about 700 presentations. For the first time in the ESIS history, almost all the presentations were videorecorded and they are now available in the new ESIS YouTube channel. If you were not able to join us in Catania, you are still in time to join us on web (… don’t miss the social event!!).

Francesco Iacoviello
F&IS Chief Editor

Published: 12-07-2018
