Vol. 10 No. 37 (2016): July 2016

					View Vol. 10 No. 37 (2016): July 2016

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Dear friend,
in this Editorial it is necessary to spread some great news:
First of all, we are publishing two great special issues in this volume. I am sure you will appreciate both the papers focused on the Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (Guest Editors: Andrea Carpinteri, Ali Fatemi, Carlos Navarro Pintado) and the papers focused on the Fracture Mechanics in Central and East Europe (Guest Editor: Donka Angelova), and I wish to warmly thank all the Guest editors for their efforts to organize and publish a high level special issue in our journal.

Secondly, I wish to thank all the authors that submitted their papers according to the “normal” submission procedure. Since our first issue, we never had a papers submission problem but … now we can affirm that the number, and the quality, of the submissions is really interesting, allowing to the journal to follow a correct selection procedure (always trying to help the authors to get the paper publication).

Last, but not least… indexing.
First great news: we are now indexed in ISI Web Of Science (ESCI-Emerging Sources Citation Index).
Second great news: Scimago Journal & Country Rank has been updated with the 2015 values … we further improved our “numbers” and now, in the Mechanical Engineering topic, we are really near to the Q2 quartile (4/1000). Only the parameters that are normalized with the published papers number show a little decrease, but this is due to the strong increase of the published papers in 2015 (we published 215 papers, to be compared to 93 papers in 2014).

These great results are obviously due to a great group of friends that constantly supports all the IGF initiatives, to the help of the Advisory Editorial Board and of the Editorial Board members, to the Associate Editors and to the Guest Editors and, obviously, to all the authors that believed in our journal submitting their papers.

Now, we are approaching the tenth year of the Journal life… althought the Journal is really young, in this ten years it achieved great results, but I am sure that with the help of our community … the best has yet to come!! Ad maiora!

Francesco Iacoviello
F&IS Chief Editor

Published: 13-06-2016
