Effects of rubber aggregates on the physical-mechanical, thermal and durability properties of self-compacting sand concrete


  • Faisal Abdelrahman Hashem SALEH Materials, Soils and Thermal Laboratory (LMST), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO MB)
  • Nouria Kaid Materials, Soils and Thermal Laboratory (LMST), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO MB)
  • Kada Ayed Materials Laboratory (LabMat), Department of Civil Engineering, The National Polytechnic School Maurice AUDIN (ENPO.M. A),
  • Djamel-Eddine Kerdal Structural Mechanics and Construction Stability Laboratory (LM2SC), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO-MB)
  • Nadjib Chioukh  Department of Hydraulics, University of Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel-Abbes
  • Nordine Leklou University of Nantes, Saint Naser




self-compacting sand concrete, waste rubber, recycling aggregates, strength, thermal conductivity, durability, porosity


The aim of this research was to study the effect of incorporating waste rubber aggregates on the physical, mechanical, thermal and durability performance of Self-Compacting Sand Concrete SCSC mixtures. For this purpose, the separately developed Rubberized Self-Compacting Sand Concrete RSCSC were prepared with three fractions of rubber grains where the natural aggregates were replaced with powder rubber, sand rubber and gravel rubber and four addition ratios (5, 10, 15 and 20%) as volume rates. The performed fresh properties using slump-flow, spreading, t500, sieve stability and air-entrained content tests proved better results for the RSCSC in comparison with reference concretes. Hardened state characterization of the concretes exhibited decreases in the mechanical properties of the RSCSC but the thermal conductivity and the dynamic elastic modulus were improved. Assessment of the concrete’s durability was accomplished through determination of apparent porosity, capillary absorption. Therefore, RSCSC to be can used in structural elements of dense reinforcement and complex formwork. Furthermore, this allows promising solution to reduce the impact of waste tyres on the environment and fight pollution.


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Author Biographies

  • Faisal Abdelrahman Hashem SALEH, Materials, Soils and Thermal Laboratory (LMST), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO MB)

    Faisal.A.H SALEH is a PhD. Student at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO.M.B), BP 1505, El M’Naoaur, 31000, Oran, Algeria. Laboratoire Matériaux, Sols et Thermique (LMST) member. Conducts research on materials engineering: durability of self-compacting sand concrete with a recycled aggregate (rubber aggregates) exposed to an aggressive environment; Recycling of industrial waste in concretes.

    e-mails : faisal.saleh@univ-usto.dz , saleh.faisal.a.h@gmail.com (Correspondent Author)

  • Nouria Kaid, Materials, Soils and Thermal Laboratory (LMST), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO MB)

    Nouria KAID, Engineer, Doctor, HDR, Laboratoire Matériaux, Sols et Thermique (LMST) Member and lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO.M.B), BP 1505, El M’Naouar, 31000, Oran, Algeria. Conducts research on materials engineering. Current projects are: durability of pozzolanic concretes; Study of mineral additions in concretes and geopolymers; Waste recycling; Formulation of new geopolymer binders and concretes based on eco-friendly natural materials and waste.

    e-mail: nouria.kaid@usto-univ.dz , n.kaidustomb@gmail.com

  • Kada Ayed , Materials Laboratory (LabMat), Department of Civil Engineering, The National Polytechnic School Maurice AUDIN (ENPO.M. A),

    Kada AYED, Engineer, Doctor, HDR, Laboratoire Matériaux (LabMat) member and Lecturer at Civil Engineering Department of the National Polytechnic School Maurice AUDIN (ENPO.M.A), BP  1523, El M’Naouar, 31000, Oran, Algeria. Conducts research on materials engineering; Structural and civil engineering; Current projects are : durability of self-compacting concrete with a recycled aggregate exposed to an aggressive environment; Rrecycling of industrial waste in concretes; Alkaline activation of pozzolan and perlite for geoplymers factories.

    e-mails:  kada.ayed@enp-oran.dz , ayeddzkada@gmail.com

  • Djamel-Eddine Kerdal, Structural Mechanics and Construction Stability Laboratory (LM2SC), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO-MB)

    Djamel Eddine KERDAL is the Director of Laboratoire de Mechanique des Structures et Stabilité des Constructions (LM2SC), PhD degree of the University of Sheffield and professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed BOUDIAF (USTO.M.B), BP 1505, El M’Naouar, 31000, Oran, Algeria. Director of the postgraduate school of civil engineering; Former Rector of USTO.M.B; Head of Master’s graduate courses ‘Conception et Calcul des Structures’, Researcher professor in the steel and mixed structure.

     e-mail: djkerdal@yahoo.fr


  • Nadjib Chioukh,  Department of Hydraulics, University of Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel-Abbes

     Nadjib. CHIOUKH Professor in Department of Hydraulics, University of Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel-Abbes, 22000, Algeria.

     e-mail: chioukh.nadji@hotmail.com



  • Nordine Leklou, University of Nantes, Saint Naser

    Nordine LEKLOU Professor in Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering and Sustainable Construction / Member of GeM, UMR CNRS 6183, IUT de Saint-Nazaire, Université de Nantes, 44600 Saint-Nazaire, France, www.univ-nantes.fr  phone: 02-72-64-87-34 (478734).

    e-mail: nordine.leklou@univ-nantes.fr


    GeM, UMR CNRS 6183, IUT de Saint-Nazaire,Université de Nantes, 44600 Saint-Nazaire, France.





How to Cite

Effects of rubber aggregates on the physical-mechanical, thermal and durability properties of self-compacting sand concrete. (2022). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(61), 89-107. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.61.06