Fatigue strength evaluation of PPGF35 by energy approach during mechanical tests





Glass-fibre-reinforced polypropylene composite, Fatigue assessment, Risitano Thermographic Method, Static Thermographic Method


Thanks to the progress of research on thermoplastic materials, the properties of composite materials have improved considerably.

The aim of this study is the evaluation of fatigue strength of glass-fibre-reinforced polypropylene composite (PPGF35) by applying both the Risitano Thermographic Method (RTM) and the new Static Thermographic Method (STM).


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Author Biography

  • Giacomo Risitano, Messina University

    Giacomo Risitano, graduate in Mechanical Engineering at University of the University of Catania (Italy) in July 2004, received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering at University of Perugia (Italy), January 2008.

    Since 2006 up to 2013, Giacomo Risitano was Assistant Professor of "Machine Design" at Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome (Italy), and he taught "Machine Design". Since 2007 up to 2010, he taught "Biomechanics" at Faculty of Science and Applied Technology University  Guglielmo Marconi (Rome) Italy.

    Since 2013 up to now, Giacomo Risitano is Assistant Professor of "Machine Design" at Messina University, Messina (Italy). Since 2013 up to 2015, he teaches "Machine Design" and "Industrial Design" at Engineering Department of Messina University  (Messina) Italy. Since 2016 up to now, he teaches "Automotive Design" at Engineering Department of Messina University  (Messina) Italy.

    His research interests include fatigue, mechanical characterization of materials, biomechanics, vibration problems, motorcycles, aerodynamics and structural optimization.

    He has published over 80 technical and conference papers.



How to Cite

Fatigue strength evaluation of PPGF35 by energy approach during mechanical tests . (2021). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(59), 537-548. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.35