Optimization of a reinforced concrete structure subjected to dynamic wind action





optimization, concrete structure, metaheuristic algorithms


This work proposes a methodology to optimize a reinforced
concrete structure. For this, the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
algorithm was used, an algorithm from the group of metaheuristic
algorithms, which presents an easy computational implementation. As a
study object, a frame structure adapted from a real reinforced concrete
building was used, subjected to the dynamic action of artificially generated
synoptic wind. The objective function is to reduce the volume of concrete
of the structure. For that, the dimensions of the cross-sections were used as
design variables, and the maximum displacement at the top imposed by the
ASCE / SEI 7-10 standard as a lateral constraint, as well as the maximum
story drift between floors. In addition to this structural optimization, it was
also proposed the use and optimization of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD), in
different quantities, positions and parameters, improving the dynamic
response of the reinforced concrete building. The results show that for this
situation it was possible to reduce the concrete volume of the structure by
approximately 24%, respecting the maximum limit of displacement at the
top required by the standard.


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Impact & Dynamics


How to Cite

Optimization of a reinforced concrete structure subjected to dynamic wind action. (2021). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(59), 326-343. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.22