On the assessment of non-metallic inclusions by part 13 of API 579 -1/ASME FFS-1 2016


  • Jorge Luis González-Velázquez Department of Metallurgy and Materials, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
  • Ehsan Entezari Department of Metallurgy and Materials, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3379-1761
  • Jerzy A. Szpunar Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1291-8375




Structural integrity assessment, Non-metallic inclusions, Ultrasonic inspection, Pressure vessel


Improvement of nondestructive inspection techniques has allowed more frequent detection of closely spaced zones of non-metallic inclusions in pressure vessels made of low carbon steel. In the present study, closely spaced inclusions in an in-service cylindrical horizontal pressure vessel were detected by Scan-C ultrasonic inspection and considered as laminations to be assessed by Part 13 of the API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 standard. The outcoming results were considered as a rejection for Level 1 assessment, and a repair or replacement of the component was required, even though it retained a significant remaining strength. Thus, an alternative procedure to assess the mechanical integrity of pressure vessels containing zones of non-metallic inclusions is proposed by adopting some criteria of the API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Part 13 standard procedure and taking into consideration the dimensions and grouping characteristics of the inclusion zones.   



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Author Biographies

  • Jorge Luis González-Velázquez, Department of Metallurgy and Materials, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico

    Jorge Luis Gonzalez-Velazquez, Ph.D. is a Professor of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) in Mexico and founder and Director of the Pipeline Integrity Assessment Group.  Dr. Gonzalez-Velazquez has published over 160 scholarly papers and authored the books, Mecanica de Fractura (first ed. '98, now in the third ed.), Metalurgia Mecanica ('99), both published by Limusa-Noriega, Mexico, and Fractography and Failure Analysis by Springer Nature in 2018. In 2007, the President of Mexico presented him the Lazaro Cardenas Award, which is conferred upon IPN's most outstanding professor and researcher; he also received the 2007 Outstanding Alumnus Award and the 2008 Academy of Distinguished Engineers & Hall of Fame, both by the University of Connecticut. He has directed over 110 research projects and performed thousands of design, structural integrity and failure analysis consulting services for the industry and owns a number of patents.

  • Jerzy A. Szpunar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

    J.A. Szpunar joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan in August 2009, as Tier I Canada Research Chair. He came from McGill University where he was Professor of Materials Science and Birks Chair in Metallurgy. During his 22 years at McGill, 30 Ph.D. students and 15 MEng students graduated under his supervision, and an additional 5 Ph.D. projects are currently close to completion. At UofS he supervises a team of about 25 graduate students and researchers. He was a leader of 49 major research projects – mostly materials-related investigations. The results of his research are presented in more than 1000 research papers (650 in refereed journals papers and 500 in refereed proceedings and as non-refereed publications). Over the past six years, he published on average 26/year journal publications and around 18/year publications in the proceedings. During his time at McGill, he founded the “Textures & Microstructure Laboratory”, which was recognized as a leading world center of microstructural research. Dr. Szpunar’s record of research contributions demonstrates his ability and readiness to undertake novel challenges in materials-related research.





SI: IGF26 - 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity


How to Cite

On the assessment of non-metallic inclusions by part 13 of API 579 -1/ASME FFS-1 2016. (2021). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(59), 105-114. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.08

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