Simulation of the corrosion-induced damage on aluminum alloy 2024 specimens with equivalent surface notches




Corrosion, Notches, Mechanical properties, Aluminum alloy


The effect of corrosion environment aggressiveness on the tensile mechanical properties degradation of AA2024-T3 was investigated. Tensile speci­­mens were pre-corroded for various exposure times to different corrosive solutions, i.e., exfoliation corrosion (EXCO) and 3.5 wt. % NaCl. Then they were tested mechanically. In non-corroded specimens, surface notches of vari­ous depths were machined to simulate the de­gra­dation of the tensile mechanical properties due to the presence of artificial surface defects. A mechanical model was developed to correlate the corrosion-induced tensile ductility degradation due to pitting and possible hydrogen embrittle­ment with the equivalent arti­fici­al­ly induced surface notches. The cases studied for this physical cor­re­la­tion were: a) EXCO exposure with artificial notches, b) EXCO with 3.5 wt.% NaCl ex­posure and c) 3.5 wt.% NaCl ex­posure with artificial notches. Higher corre­la­tion was noticed for short exposure times for all cases where the dominant de­gradation mechanism is slight pitting form­ation. It was found that 1 h EXCO ex­­posure is equivalent to 92 h exposure to NaCl solution re­gard­ing the tensile duc­tility degradation while 24 h EXCO exposure has the same effect on duc­til­ity decrease with a 240 μm surface notch or 4000 h exposure to NaCl solution.


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SI: Research activities of the Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materi


How to Cite

Simulation of the corrosion-induced damage on aluminum alloy 2024 specimens with equivalent surface notches. (2019). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 13(50), 342-353.