A 3D mixed frame element with multi-axial coupling for thin-walled structures with damage


  • D. Addessi
  • P. Di Re




Mixed beam formulation


A 3D mixed beam finite element is presented, modeling the warping of the cross-sections as an independent kinematic field. The beam formulation is derived on the basis of the Hu-Washizu variational principle, expressed as function of four independent fields: the standard displacements, strains and stresses and the additional warping displacement. This is interpolated along the beam axis and on the cross-section, by placing on it a regular grid of interpolation points and adopting Lagrange polynomials. The warping degrees of freedom defined at the cross-section interpolation points are condensed, thus preserving the element matrix and vector sizes. A fiber discretization of the cross-sections is adopted. The constitutive relationship at the midpoint of each fiber is based on an isotropic damage model for brittle-like materials, distinguishing between the damage
variables in tension and in compression to properly describe the unilateral effect. An efficient algorithm is
formulated for the element state determination, based on a consistent linearization of the governing equations.
A simple numerical application on a cantilever beam with torsion in the linear elastic range is presented and two torsion tests on plain concrete beams are performed, by comparing the numerical results with the experimental outcomes.


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How to Cite

A 3D mixed frame element with multi-axial coupling for thin-walled structures with damage. (2014). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 8(29), pages 178-195. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.16