High temperature initiation and propagation of cracks in 12%Cr-steel turbine disks


  • S. Foletti
  • A. Lo Conte
  • S. Salgarollo
  • F. Bassi
  • A. Riva




Creep Crack Growth


This work aims to study the crack propagation in 12%Cr steel for turbine disks. Creep Crack
Growth (CCG) tests on CT specimens have been performed to define the proper fracture mechanics which
describes the initiation of the crack propagation and the crack growth behaviour for the material at high
temperature. Results have been used to study the occurrence of crack initiation on a turbine disk at the extreme
working temperature and stress level experienced during service, and validate the use of C* integral in
correlating creep growth rate on the disk component, in case C* is numerically calculated through FEM analysis
or calculated by the use of reference stress concept.


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How to Cite

High temperature initiation and propagation of cracks in 12%Cr-steel turbine disks. (2013). Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 7(26), Pages 123-131. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.26.12