2022 and 2023 Citations reports


Dear friend,
In 2022, 530 papers were submitted to Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and 138 papers were published, with a rejection rate of 77%.
In 2023, 624 papers were submitted to Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and 83 papers were published, with a rejection rate of 87%.
Analysing the citations by means of Scopus Sources, we obtained the following reports of the citations of the papers published in 2022 and in 2023 in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale.
It is evident that a high percentage of published papers (36% in 2022 and 57% in 2023) did not “produce” even one citation (not even one autocitation!). This is a problem for the journal (and for all the FIS authors!), as the Impact Factor of the journal and the journal's usefulness for our community are strictly connected to the papers’ citations.
The Editorial Board is doing its best to improve the journal quality and I don’t think that it is possible to further increase the rejection rate.
You, as FIS author, are kindly requested to help the journal (and yourself!) as follows:
- spreading the information about the papers published in FIS using your social pages;
- adding the papers published in FIS in the last two years in the Refs of the paper you are publishing (obviously if you find a paper of your interest!);
- considering the papers you published in FIS for the Refs in the papers you will publish in the next months (obviously, if they are of interest for the paper!);
- submitting new good quality papers in FIS!
If all the authors of the papers published in FIS cite one paper published in FIS in the last two years, the journal IF will strongly increase, with positive consequences for the journal and for the FIS community.

Thank you for your help,
