Scimago 2022


Dear friends,

I am pleased to inform you that also in 2022 Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale – Fracture and Structural Integrity is in Q2 for the second consecutive year in the following categories:

  • Civil and Structural Engineering;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Mechanics of Materials.

It is only thanks to our Community that it was possible to achieve this prestigious result! Authors, Reviewers, Editorial Boards members … we were all great … Congratulations!

For the next year, I think it will be possible to further improve the journal visibility and usefulness for our community. The road map to achieve this goal is simple:

  • Accept and publish good papers: focusing only the first five months of 2023, we received 199 papers with a rejection rate of 94%.
  • Improve the journal visibility: we have FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram, Youtube accounts and we publish Visual Abstracts connected to all the papers since July 2018 … we have also a Blog to discuss and collect suggestions … join our social networks!
  • Increase the journal citations (especially considering the papers published in FIS in the last two years!).

Considering this last crucial point, we wish to underline that we will never “force” the FIS authors to cite FIS in their references, but, please, do not hesitate to cite FIS if you find a useful paper!

There are different procedures you can use to find a paper of your interest in FIS:

  • You can read the issues (you find all of them in the Archives);
  • You can read the browsable versions (LINK);
  • You can use the “Search” field you find on the top right side of the journal website (all the pages);
  • You can use the “Categories” in the column you find in the right side of the journal website;
  • You can use the Keywords you find on the top right side of the journal website.

The journal is only waiting for your help to further improve its usefulness… Help the Journal!


The Editorial Team

Francesco Iacoviello

Filippo Berto

Sabrina Vantadori

Jianying He