Article Review Acknowledgement - NEW


Dear friends,
We wish to thank all our reviewers for their help. Their crucial activity is already acknowledged with  "Clarivate" (formerly Publons) and "Reviewer Credits" (you found the links at the end of the reviewing process).
Starting from December 2022, we offer our reviewers the further possibility to obtain an immediate reviewer certificate and 10 euros of discount for the fees of the events that will be organized by IGF in 2023 (discounts are cumulable and can be used only for one event): LINK.

This is only a small reward to confirm our appreciation for the time and effort you spent on your review.
Thank you so much for being part of our community!

By the way, don't forget the next IGF event:

IGF27, the 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity

(February 22-24, 2023)

The event will be held at the Engineering Faculty of Rome "Sapienza", but remote participation will be also allowed (all the remote participants will be allowed to participate to all the sessions and discussion).

Please, don't forget that IGF conferences allow to Frattura ed integrità Strutturale to be a "diamond" open access journal, with no fees to either readers or authors... so... join us in Rome (or in remote!). Ciao
