Journal Telegram Channel


Dear friends,
we are delighted to introduce you the renewed FIS Telegram channel:
Join the channel!
It will be used to spread info about Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale - Fracture and Structural Integrity and about the Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) activities and to stream events!
For example, now, the FIS section "Online first" is also available as a really nice and captivating post in the Telegram channel: LINK
All the accepted papers will be gradually added to this post, avoiding you any problems with spam checker and allowing you to be always up to date and ... to  help the journal to improve the quality of the published papers (e.g., sending additional comments about the papers in the "Online first" section before their final publication!).

Join the FIS Telegram channel... soon other "surprises" will be available!

Obivously, do not hesitate to consider the papers published in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale - Fracture and Structural Integrity for your references!
In 2021 the paper has been classified in SJR as a Q2 journal in three different categories (Civil and Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics of Materials) ... with your help, a further improvement is always possible.

Finally, I wish to remember the last journal improvement: since june 2022, the papers plagiarism/self-plagiarism is checked using iThenticate. This will help the journal to further improve the quality of the published papers!