
Dear friends,
we are happy to announce two new features for "Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale":
- it is now possible to post comments to all the papers published in the journal. It is sufficient to login with your credentials, select the paper of your interest, and, at the bottom of the page (under "Comments"), you find the field to be filled. We hope that useful discussions will be open in our community.
- since our first issue, we adopted the "blind peer review" procedure for all our papers. Well, we decided to activate a supplementary (and experimental) reviewing procedure. After the "regular" peer review process, accepted papers are available in the "Online first" section. All the readers are encouraged to send (via email to suggestions for possible improvements or comments. The deadline to send the suggestions or the comments will be 15 days before the issue publishing date.
- we announce the publication of the new (and charming!) journal website dedicated to the browsable versions of the published issues: LINK.

Hoping these new features will be appreciated, we have two other information to be spread:
- after the last OJS update, we are experiencing some problems with the papers statistics. We are so sorry for the problem and we hope it will be soon solved.
- do not hesitate to cite the papers published in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. We try to do our best to improve the journal quality and usefulness, but the only way to improve our "numbers" in Citescore etc is to cite our papers!
Wishing you and your families all the best ... be safe! Ciao!