Joint Special Issues between FIS-IGF and MDPC-Wiley: UPDATES (MDPC will be soon indexed in Scopus!)


Dear friend,
maybe you remember, some weeks ago I sent you an invitation to submit communications to Material and Design and Processing Communications (MDPC-Wiley; below you find the details... the invitation is still valid). Well, we are happy to inform you that Material and Design and Processing Communications (MDPC-Wiley) will be indexed in Scopus starting from 2020 ... with all the old issues! Thank you for your support! Very best

Invitation: The FIS authors should present the extended version of their paper in FIS. The paper should contain original results and the paper should be a full-length paper in agreement with FIS authors guidelines that you can find at the following link.
The paper should contain in the main body of the text the original results of the research and a discussion of the results.4A second short communication should be prepared for Material and Design and Processing Communications (MDPC-Wiley). The maximum length of such a manuscript is 4 pages (12 pt font size, 1.5 lines spaced, including all figures and references). The contained display items (figures) should not exceed 3 in number (in agreement with letters format in LINK).
The first page of the letter in MDPC should contain abstract, introduction and keywords.
The second page should briefly review (in less than one page) the main results reported in the full length version paper that will be published in FIS, referring only the fundamental literature. After that the letter should contain mandatorily a section named Recent Trends in Research (maximum one page) summarizing which is the state of the art of the topic which is subject of investigation and a final section named Future Developments and Challenges (maximum one page) where the authors will give their view about the possible progress of the topic in the future and also some preliminary new results in that direction if available.